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They are the same thing using different names.

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Q: Which is stronger the Nuke bomb or the Atomic bomb?
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What is stronger a nuke or atom bomb?

atom bomb

What does nuke stand for?

Nuke is a slang term for nuclear; as in the atomic bomb.

Where did America drop a bomb in japan?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki(atomic bomb,not a nuke)

What weapon is stronger than a nuke?

A tactical nuke is actually the one thats stronger than nuclear bomb nuke well a nuclear factory is not a weapon its stronger than it but its not a weapon

Why is an atomic bomb called a nuke?

Well I am pretty sure they call an atomic bomb nukes because atomic bombs and be called nuclear bombs. So instead of calling these super long name they made the bomb a short nick name a nuke

Is the atom bomb and a nuke the same?

No, an atomic bomb uses fission, but a nuclear or thermonuclear bomb combines fission and nuclear fusion. Therefore, a nuke is more powerful than an atom bomb.

When the nuke was made?

The first atomic bomb was made in 1945, the first hydrogen bomb was made in 1952.

What is stronger between the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb?

In general, a fusion bomb (hydrogen bomb) is more powerful than a fission (atomic) bomb. Fusion bombs use an atomic bomb to begin the fusion reaction.

What does a atomic bomb solve?

A atomic bomb is a nuke so once you drop it and blow it up, it will destroy buildings and mankind cw: (1) It solves the problem of who goes first. The some with the bomb goes first.

What is more stronger a comet explosion or a nuke explosion?

a comet explosion is more stronger and bigger than a nuke explosion and atomic bomb but not a hydrogen if you want something to be mor bigger than a hydrogen explosion call in a asteroid that's bigger than a hydrogen explosion and some meteors. ps I am the maker of the awnsers web site

What is stronger atom bomb or nuke?

An atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. A nuclear fusion bomb, (hydrogen, is usually much stronger than a nuclear fission bomb (uranium or plutonium). The weapons detonated in Japan during WWII measured about 15 kilotons equivalent of TNT. Today, most nuclear weapons are measured by megaton (1000X kiloton) equivalents up to a bomb built by the Russians with a possible yield of 100 megatons.

Atomic bombs vs regular bombs?

If what you mean is,is an atomic bomb stronger or weaker then a regular bomb then it's the atomic bomb,a regular bomb would have only damaged Hiroshima not completely killed it( the U.S also bomb Nagasaki)