

Which is that thing faster than light?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Which is that thing faster than light?
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What strange thing happens to the harrier plane in it's faster than light speed?

No planes are faster than light.

Whats faster sound or light?

Light is about 800,000 faster (compared to the speed of sound in air).

Is light faster than sound or sound is faster than light?

Light is faster than sound

What is the fastest thing that can travel?

The answer to "What is the fastest thing that can travel?" is light. Light can travel faster than any other thing in the universe!

Since things go faster as they get nearer to a black hole will light go faster than 300000 km?

What an elegant non sequitur!"Light" is not a "thing".

Which plane is faster than light?

No plane is faster than light.

How is light faster that sound?

light is faster than sound simply because it is. With the possible exception of neutrinos, light is the fastest thing in the universe. There are, however, supersonic jets in use by the military.

Is a echo faster than light?

no light is faster

What travels faster than light waves and sound waves?

Light travels faster than sound ... about 875,000 times faster. Nothing travels faster than light.

What are faster than light particles?

Tachyons are theoretical faster than light particles.

Can echoes travel faster than light?

No. Nothing can travel faster than light.

Do asteroids travel faster than light?

No, nothing travels faster than light.