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Q: Which is the FDAs definition of its natural food label?
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Organic foods have a legal definition- natural foods do not. To label a food as organic, it must be grown/produced without pesticides, herbicides, hormones, or antibiotics, and cannot contain certain ingredients. The term "natural" can be applied to any food at all.

What are natural foods?

There is no firm definition of what a natural food is.

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Because the term "natural" means nothing.

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What is a food label?

My gosh it is the label on the food product that you purchase

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== == ----

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That depends on your location and definition of food. That depends on your location and definition of food.

What must be true of a food in order for the label to claim the it is natural according to the FDA?

It must be minimally processed and free of artificial ingredients, perservatives, and other nonnaturally occurring chemicals.

What must be true of a food in order for the label to claim that it is natural according the FDA?

It must be minimally processed and free of artificial ingredients, perservatives, and other nonnaturally occurring chemicals.

What must be true of a food in order for the label to claim that its natural according to the FDA?

It must be minimally processed and free of artificial ingredients, perservatives, and other nonnaturally occurring chemicals.