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I would suggest a harness that has snaps. If you have your ferret on a harness that has velcro, and no snaps or buckles, it is very easy for for your ferret to slip out of it. I would also not use a harness that is made specifically for ferrets, but if you want to you can, but for my ferrets I used a sorta generic harness for small critters.

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Q: Which is the best ferret harness?
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Can a ferret choke on its harness?

If you put a harness on your ferret to tight, then they can choke. you mostly wont have to worry about it.

How do you keep a ferret in a harness?


How much exercise does a ferret need?

A ferret should be allowed out of the cage for about 4 hours daily. Outside time of the cage, walks on a harness is fun!

What are some fun things you can do with your ferret and how do you leash train?

Just let your ferret run around the house! Make sure it is ferret-proofed though!! Get some toys for your ferret to play with, you can also get a companion for your ferret {make sure he/she is spayed/neutured}! Sounds like she is not used to the harness, start with just a wearing a collar around the house first, then try to harness, distract her or give treats to get her used to it before taking her outside.

What is the best bread of ferret to have for a pet?

There is only one breed of domestic ferret.

How do you leash train a ferret?

To leash train a ferret, have your ferret used to wearing a regular collar around the house. Once your ferret is accustomed to it's collar, you'll need a "harness" or "H-type harness" that has to be clasped in two places - one part goes around the neck area and the other around the body behind the legs and the two are attached with a middle piece that the leash attaches to. Also if you have a very small ferret, some clothing or jacket type harnesses will not work - there are too big and will not fit. Make sure the harness is adjusted not to loose - ferrets can easily slip out. At first they will not like a harness, have patience and start slowly inside the house first, a little at a time use distractions and treats until they get used to having it on. After using it a few times, he should be accustomed. Once the ferret is outside, he won't mind having the leash on, because there are too many things to explore. After a while, just showing your ferret the leash, and he will be ready to go outside.

How much is a collar and a leash for a ferret?

it would be about $5.00 for the leash and harness together and $1.00 for the collar or u can use a cat collar

Can you use organic material or peat moss in a ferret's cage?

I would advise against it. If the peat moss (or other plant materials) are eaten it can easily cause an intestinal blockage. Instead I would get a ferret harness and leash and take it outside instead, I think this would be more fun for the ferret.

What is the best kind of ferret to purchase?

It depends on your lifestyle. A baby ferret will need to have lots of human attention to be properly socialized and correct training. An adopted older ferret should already be trained and not as hyper as a baby ferret.

What is a black footed ferret best known for?

a mustela

What is the best ferret finder on the market?

mark 1 by far!

Where is the best store to buy ferrets?

The cheapest place to buy ferret food is probably Walmart. Cheap ferret food can be harmful to your ferret's health. It's cheap for a reason (cheap ingredients, fillers, etc) A good quality ferret food would ensure your ferrets good health to avoid expensive veterinary bills later.