

Which is the best way to stop smoking?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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Listen to your family, and have them help you through it. Another alternative could be to use electronic cigarettes or stop smoking patches or pills from companies like Nicorette.

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Q: Which is the best way to stop smoking?
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Your sister smokes what can you do to help her stop?

Have sex with her. Incest is best, and sex is a great way to quit smoking.

Where can I get some information about smoking facts?

To find information about how to stop smoking, you could visit the NHS Smoke Free website. This has lots of information about the best ways to stop smoking.

What are the best ways to stop smoking?

The best way to stop smoking from experience is with the filters that have different levels. You put on the first level filter first, and you can't even tell the difference in the amount of nicotine, You will know when you are ready for the next filter by taking off the filter and smoking. You can tell the difference immediately. Then just go tothe next step.

How do you stop my mom smoking?

there are two ways. one way is to clean up her blood and another is start smoking your self and tell her that you will stop when she stops.

What can you take for mood swings after quitting smoking?

The best book for people who want to stop smoking is 'The NSCI Stop-Smoking Handbook, by Robert Brynin', the Research Director of the National Smoking Cessation Institute. You have to buy it on Amazon.

Self help management to smoking cessation?

The best book for people who want to stop smoking is 'The NSCI Stop-Smoking Handbook, by Robert Brynin', the Research Director of the National Smoking Cessation Institute. You have to buy it on Amazon.

what does the ways to quit smoking?

Smoking is a formed habit and it will take time to stop however, you have to be willing and wanting to stop smoking before any of the treatments that are available will work. Cutting back daily is one of the best ways to halt smoking as it will allow you to at a slower pace stop without overwhelming yourself with the cravings.

What is the best way to stop smoking cigarettes?

this sounds crappy but id just stop cold turkey. but if that's hard, which it probably is. gradually smoke less and less. i hear that works.

What is the easiest way to stop smoking?

You could go to a doctor and ask them for ways to stop smoking. He might suggest nicotine patches, puffers and other ways to suppress your addiction. One thing to note is that it isn`t a overnight thing. You can`t stop smoking in one day, or even a month and many smokers have troubles completely dropping smoking. It isnt ever easy, but with hard work you can achieve it. The best way to stop smoking is to ask yourself what effects do you have on your loved ones. Smoking isn`t only bad for the smoker, but also bad for the people around him. Second hand smoking in young kids can cause bad health problems for them later on.

What is the safeties and quickies way to stop smoking?

Just not doing it anymore.