

Which is the first stage of germination?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Which is the first stage of germination?
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What is the first stage of growth in plants?

The first stage of growth in plants is germination. Germination is the process where a seed sprouts and begins to grow into a seedling. It involves the emergence of the embryonic plant from the seed coat, followed by the development of roots and shoots.

What stage is germination?

The germinal stage is the first stage of pregnancy. It begins at conception, when the egg and sperm join to form a zygote, or fertilized egg.

What is the first stage of plant germination?

Imbibition i. e. absorption of water by the living cells of the seed.

What type of germination do the beans undergo?

They undergow seven phases. They are called first stage, second stage, third stage, fourth stage, fifth stage, six stage, seven stage, and eigth stage. They all undergow stages

Germination happens between which two stages?

Germination is when a plant grows from a seed. It occurs between the dormancy stage of a seed and the establishment stage of the seed.

At what point in the growth stage is the plant considered a seedling?

At point of germination

Why can germination come first?


What is it when a plant first sprouts?


Who discovered germination first?

lauren hallas

What is the relationship between the seed and germination?

A seed is needed if you want to grow a plant- you can't have a plant without a seed. Germination is the first stage of the plant's growth. It's when the seed has JUST sprouted, and sometimes the green that comes out, is very small- the point is the plant is starting to grow, and may continue to do so.

What is the order of germination?

After a seed is dispersed, it may remain inactive for a while before it germinates. Germination starts when the seed absorbs water from the environment . The embryo then uses its stored food to grow, first the embryo's roots start to grow downward. After that, the stem starts to grow upward and leaves begin to form. Once you can see the plant's leaves, it is a seedling. The environmental factors must also be just right, such as temperature and moisture.

During germination what is the first root that grows?
