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Usually the water a person grows up with. Different cities treat their water differently in order to clean it or to add chemicals considered beneficial. So, one city's water might be distasteful to a person who's grown up with differently treated water. So-called pure water, from creeks and streams and spas and bottled, might be considered better tasting, but properly-conducted tests have failed to prove this to be true. Marketing plays a huge role here, while city water suppliers aren't known for advertising the tastiness of their tap water.

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2w ago

Taste preferences vary from person to person, but some of the commonly known sources of good-tasting water include mineral springs in countries like Fiji and Iceland, as well as natural springs in regions like the Alps. Ultimately, the perceived taste of water is subjective and can depend on individual preferences.

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14y ago

Siruvani River Water at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

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Q: Which is the first tastiest water in the world?
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