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Q: Which is the following is trace fossil?
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Is a dinosaur footprint a trace fossil or a body fossil?

It is a trace fossil, a trace of the animal having moved over the landscape and not part of its body.

Is Ammonites a trace fossil or a body fossil?

If not specified as trace fossil of Ammonites, it should be a body fossil. Ammonites is the name of the creature.

What kind of fossil leaves a body impression?

This is called a trace fossil. or a mold.

Describe three types of trace fossil?

a trace fossil is like cast, mold, or trace fossil

What is the difference between a trace fossil and mold fossil?

A trace fossil was an imprint left behind by an animal that hardens and turns to stone

Is coal a trace fossils?

coal is not a trace fossil

Is a fossil woodpecker hole a trace or a body fossil?

The answer is trace fossil. Why? Because a body fossil is a fossil of a part of the animal. Which means a hole is nowhere apart of animal. And a dead one at that.

What is the fossil that tells an animals activities?

Trace Fossil

What type of fossil is a triceratops?

Its a freaking trace fossil

What is the fossil of a footprint of burrow?

It's a trace fossil.

Can fossils be trace fossils?

Indeed: a Trace Fossil is that of a burrow, footprint, coprolite, etc that's not a fossil of the animal itself that left the trace.

What is the difference between a mold and a trace fossil?

A Fossil is the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological ageA trace fossil is the burrows, trails, etc, of an animal.A trace fossil is where something left a mark on something else, and then became fossilized. A body fossil is a fossil of a once living thing.