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You can tell a lot about the heat of a fire by the color. The areas that are white or blue are much hotter then the areas that are more yellow or orange. The hottest areas are generally closest to the fuel source.

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It is the same temperature all around.

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Blue Zone

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Q: Which is the hottest part of gas flame?
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When you look at a candle flame how do you know which part of the flame is hottest?

The reddest part is the hottest part. The blue part of the flame is the hottest.

What is the hottest part of the flame?

The blue part of a flame is the hottest.

Why is the middle part of the flame hottest?

Around a flame is the atmosphere, which is cooler. The part of a flame able to get the hottest, then, is the part in the middle that is most protected from the outside cold, so the middle part of the flame is hottest.

What is the hottest part of the roaring Bunsen burner flame?

The blue part of the flame, the cone in the middle is the hottest, the flame cools as it gets further away from the burning centre, this is similar to the sun where the outer surface of the sun is significantly cooler compared to the inside.

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My teacher taught me it was the hottest at the end of the blue part of the flame.

What is the hottest part of the flame from a Bunsen burner?

The hottest part is where the flame is light blue or blue; which gradually turns to yellow as the flame is cooled by the colder outer air. When the safety flame (yellow) is on, the hottest point is the tip of this flame.

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Is the top part of the flame the hottest?


Which part of a non-luminous flame is hottest?

Rught at the top part a lighter's flame.

Which is the hottest part of the flame?

If your refering to a Bunsen burner it would be the blue flame. otherwise its like the whole rainbow perspective. Hottest=>Coldest Purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red

What part of a flame burns hotter?

The blue portion of a flame is the hottest

What is the hottest part of an Bunsen burner?

Near the tip of a blue flame is the hottest.