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vastus lateralis muscle

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Q: Which is the muscle used for giving vitamin K injection for babies?
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Related questions

What do you need to do for going through a vein in hip with vitamin injection?

A person should take pain medication before getting a vitamin injection into the hip. Sometimes it is done in a vein. Other times, it can be injected into a hip muscle.

What term do they use when an injection right into the muscle?

An injection into muscle is called 'an intramuscular injection.'

Is the tip or the hub of the needle superficial when giving an injection?

The hub will remain superficial to the skin; the tip should be within the dermis or muscle.

Are hamstrings muscles a common site for giving im injections to a dog?

Yes, the Hamstring muscle is a common site for giving an IM injection to a canine. Be sure to watch of for the Sciatic nerve!

What is the medical term meaning medication placed directly within the muscle?

Intramuscular injection involves placing the medication directly into the belly of a muscle.

What type of injection is given when a large amount of medication must be given into a muscle?

an injection into the muscle is called a Intramuscular injection or IM injection for short. These are the safest types of injections for people who are not certified to work with animals to give.

When giving a subcutaneous injection to an obese patient the nurse should give the injection at what angle?

A 90 degree angle is recommended but for obese patient the critical factor is for the Sc to be administered ti the fatty tissue and not the muscle of just under the epidermis.

What is interamuscular injection?

Inter, means 'within'. Muscular, means 'Muscle'. Often called an IM injection, it means it is delivered directly into the muscle

In which muscle Depoprovera injection is given?


What smaller hip muscle is commonly used as an injection site?

my anatomy and physiology teacher has told my class multiple times that the smaller hip muscle that is a common sight for injection is the gluteus medius.gluteus medius

What does intramuscular use mean?

Into The Muscle; Within The Muscle

What are the steps to giving an imferon injection?

An imferon injection would be administered to anemic patients who cannot take iron tablets orally. The steps in giving an imferon injection at home should be as directed by your healthcare professional. This includes checking the product for discoloration before using. Wash your hands and slowly inject the liquid deep into the muscle of the buttock or a vein, as instructed by your healthcare professional. Discard of the needle appropriately after use.