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- as you can touch the other three


- as the other three are elements, and salt is a compound (NaCl)

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Q: Which is the odd one out between mercury oxygen gold salt?
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What is a way to separate Salt White Sand Iron filings and Gold filings into four separate piles?

Use a magent to pick out the iron particles. Soak the remainder in water until the salt is dissolved - dry the water, leaving behind a pile of salt. Mix the rest with mercury - the gold clings to the mercury, leaving behind a pile of sand. Use cyanide to separate the gold out of the mercury and remove the mercury.

What happens to salt when put in Mercury?

Salt cannot be "put in mercury" unless the salt is mechanically restrained. Mercury has a much higher density than salt and does not chemically react with it, so that salt will simply float on the mercury.

Was Mercury used in alchemy?

Yes, mercury was used in alchemy. It was one of the three primes (sulfur, mercury, and salt), and was considered the connection between high and low.

Does salt have gold?

Salt hasn't gold.

Did the people of Ghana trade their gold for salt?

Yes, they did trade there gold for salt.

How did the location of the West African gold and salt mines benefit Ghana?

The Niger and Senegal rivers were gold bearing rivers. Also, Ghana was right in between the Saharan salt mines and the gold fields of Wangara.

Are sugar and table salt and gold compounds or elements?

Sugar and salt are compunds Gold is an element Household sugar is sucrose, it is made from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; with the formula C12H22O11, it is a glucose and a fructose molecule bonded together. Table salt is sodium chloride, NaCl, made from a sodium and a chlorine atom bonding together. Gold is just gold ,Au.

How did the location of the west African gold and salt mines benefits Ghana?

The Niger and Senegal rivers were gold bearing rivers. Also, Ghana was right in between the Saharan salt mines and the gold fields of Wangara.

Mali controlled the trade of what resources?

Gold and salt

Where did mecca trade gold and salt?

They traded mostly gold and salt

Why did salt mines break apart ancient African empires?

The salt broke up ancient African empires because the people with gold traded with the people that had salt,so the people in between could charge the people with gold money.