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Q: Which is the only force that requires contact and cannot act at a distance?
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Magnetism is a contact force because magnets make contact true or false?

False. Magnetism is not a contact force. It can act at a distance, meaning magnets can exert forces on each other without physical contact. This is due to their magnetic fields interacting with each other.

What is the differrence between a contact force and a field force?

A contact force requires physical contact between objects to exert a force, such as friction or tension in a rope. In contrast, a field force acts at a distance without direct contact, such as gravity or electromagnetic forces.

Why is gravity a noncontact force?

Gravity is a noncontact force because it acts at a distance without the need for physical contact between objects. This force is exerted between any two objects with mass, pulling them towards each other based on their masses and the distance between them, as explained by Newton's law of universal gravitation.

Electric force is a contact force or force at a distance?

Electric force is a force at a distance, not a contact force. It is a fundamental force of nature that acts between charged particles without the need for physical contact. The strength of the electric force is determined by the magnitude of the charges and the distance between them.

A curling rock slides to a stop due to the force of friction Is this force of frictiion a contact force or a force at a distance?

The force of friction is a contact force. An example of a force at a distance would be gravity.

What is a force called that requires a touch?

A force that requires a touch is known as a contact force. This type of force only occurs when two objects are in physical contact with each other, such as friction, tension, or normal force.

Is gravitational force contact force or non contact force?

Gravitational force is a non-contact force, meaning it can act on objects even when they are not in direct physical contact with each other. This force is based on the mass of objects and their distance from each other, rather than requiring direct contact.

Is gravity contact to force?

Gravity requires no direct contact, if that's what you mean.

Difference between contact force and those actata a distance?

Contact force means that objects need to be in contact for there to be a force. "Action at a distance" means the objects do NOT need to touch one another directly.

What are contact and and non contact forces?

A non-contact force is any force applied to an object by another body that is not in direct contact with it. The most common example of a non-contact force is gravity. A non-contact force is different from a contact force, which is a force applied to a body by another body that is in contact with it. However it is to be noted that the origin of all contact forces can be traced to non-contact forcesIn physics, a contact force is a force between two objects (or an object and a surface) that are in contact with each other. This is distinct from a non-contact force, or action-at-a-distance force (a force that acts over a distance), such as gravity or magnetic attraction/repulsion.

What is distance force?

Distance force is a force that acts between objects that are separated by a distance without physical contact. Examples include gravitational force and magnetic force, which can exert influence on objects even when they are not in direct contact with each other. These forces are described by specific mathematical equations that take into account the distance between the objects.

Is electrostatic force contact force or non contact force?

Electrostatic force is a non-contact force, meaning it can act on objects without physical contact between them. This force is based on the interaction of charged particles and can exert forces over a distance.