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In the surrounding planets of Sol (our sun), only Earth is called after Erda "Earth", a Norse (Viking) goddess of the Earth.

The dwarf planet Eris (formally Xena) is the Greek goddess of strife.

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all named after Roman deities, as well as the dwarf planets Pluto and Ceres.

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12y ago


Mercury- messengers, travellers and thieves

Venus- love

Mars- war

Jupiter- sky

Saturn- king of the titans, previous lord of the sky

Uranus- the sky itself, one of the first beings

Neptune- seas

(Pluto)- underworld

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15y ago

That would be Earth itself. All the others are named after gods in the Roman pantheon.

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Q: Which is the only planet that's name is not derived from Greek or Roman mythology?
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