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Ron Howard is quoted in Tim Delaney's Simpsonology(2008), "It's the only town in America that'll let me fish with dynamite." This is a line by guest voice Howard playing Ron Howard in The Simpsons episode #208, "When You Dish Upon A Star."

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Q: Which is the only town that will allow director ron howard to fish using dynamite?
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What is a sentence using the word dynamite?

The miner used dynamite to blast through the rock and access the valuable minerals below ground.

How stopped using dynamite in world war 2?

Stopped used the dynamite by Jeoporty

What are the punishment of using dynamite fishing?

for use the dynamite for fishing the fish are died

What are the misuses of dynamites?

Misuses of dynamite include using it to blow stumps out of the ground and using it for entertainment. Dynamite is intended for use in construction and mining.

When did miners first start to use dynamite?

1867, when it was invented. Miners began using dynamite as soon as it was available.

What war was dynamite used in?

Dynamite was used in World War 1, but stopped using it during World War 2

What are the risks of using dynamite?

Dynamite is very dangerous and if you are going to use it you must know how to handle it probably. Or the consequences could be fatal.

What are the abuses and misuses of dynamite?

People that are abusing the dynamite technology are using it for - terrorist attacks/ suicide jackets - fire crackers - Fishing

How long have miners been using dynamite?

since 1995

Was dynamite used in world war 2?

No they stoped using it in ww1.

Did Ryan howard of the Phillies get caught using?


Are peanuts one of the ingredients in dynamite?

True Enough- Peanut oil can be processed to produce glycerol, which can be used to make nitroglycerin, one of the constituents of dynamite. However, there are other processes that can be used to make dynamite without using peanuts at all.