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Q: Which is the test that if misidentified is most likely to have fatal consequences?
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Damage to the cerebral cortex is least likely to be fatal; damage to the medulla is most likely to be fatal.

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Pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Both can be potentially fatal.

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Teenagers are the age group which is most likely to get into a fatal car crash. It is believed that the reason for this is that teenagers do not drive as safely and also have a higher rate of drunk driving.

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strokes affect blacks more often than whites, and are more likely to be fatal among blacks

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Severe trauma is the most likely to be immediately fatal. However, any condition that affects the brain can cause death.

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Your probation will most likely be revoked.

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Yes, but most women are much more likely to die as a result of pregnancy and childbirth.

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Loss of wildlife,global warming,erosion....these are but a few.

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Most Likely A Suspension. Possibly a three day suspension

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