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Q: Which is used to record save an then execute a set of keystrokes and instructions repeatedly?
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What is the sequence of keystrokes and instructions that a user records and saves?

To record and save a sequence of keystrokes and instructions, users can use a macro recording tool or feature provided in software applications. They typically involve activating the recording mode, performing the desired actions (keystrokes, mouse clicks, etc.), and then stopping the recording and saving the macro for future use.

How can you record keystrokes made on your PC?

Use a keylogger software

What can record and transmit user keystrokes to an unauthorized computer?

Keylogging malware.

Dose a keylogger can record keystrokes typed?

Yes, AllSpyMonitor logs all keystrokes, including optional non-alphanumerical keys typed with time stamp, Windows username, application name and window caption. This is the homepage:

What does procedural mean?

Procedure means actions that you record in order. procedure means how you did something in an exact order In computer terminology it can mean a set of programmed instructions that are performed repeatedly, such as a subroutine.

To execute the art of scratching you must?

move a vinyl record forward and backward with your hand

How do I record on my x vim camera system?

Follow the manufactures instructions.

In order to delete a record in a table you must first?

Identify the record you want to delete based on a specific criteria, such as an ID or value. Then, write a SQL DELETE statement with a condition that matches the record you want to delete. Finally, execute the SQL statement to remove the record from the table.

How do you record your voice mail on a Pantech impact?

Go to the exterior key pad. Hold down the 1. Then it should give you instructions how to record your voicemail.

What permenantly stores the set of instructions that the computer uses to activate software that controls the processing function when you turn on the computer?

The instructions are stored in the Master Boot Record (MBR).

When you first turn on a computer the CPU is preset to execute instructions stored in?

The CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) chip. This memory contains your BIOS (Basic Input Output System) Your BIOS tells the computer where to look for a boot disk. The computer then goes to find it and looks for a Master Boot Record on the disk (cd, floppy, hard, etc). The MBR then give additional instructions on files to load from locations on the disk. Those files link to other files and so on.

How do you return a life estate to the estate?

To relinquish your rights in a life estate you can execute a release or waiver of rights, in writing, witnessed and notarized, and record it in the land records .