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It is largely dependent on each person. My labret (usually said to be pretty much identical to a "monroe" pain wise) and my tongue were simple and painless, but I thought I was going to cry getting my nostril pierced. My sister fainted getting her philtrum (proper term for any upper lip piercing) but she was laughing and talking while getting her nostril pierced. There is no way to tell which will be worse for you, and a good piercer can make all the difference in the world.

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Q: Which is worse the Monroe or the tongue piercing cause ive had my tongue pierced and i fainted so what is the Monroe like?
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No. Piercing your belly button wont hurt as compared to piercing your tongue.

Do you have to take out lip piercing when getting your tongue done?

Nope, i've had my tongue pierced, and i didn't have to take my lip piercing out.

What does a piercing on your tongue symbolize?

Nothing particular. It just means you wanted your tongue pierced.

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Getting a tongue piercin will hurt a bit regardless of what you've had pierced before.

Can you Tanning and just got your tongue pierced?

Yes you can tan, tanning has no effect on your tongue piercing.

Where do you get your tongue pierced?

At a piercing parlor. Getting it done by a professional is best.

Is it all right to have blood around your tongue piercing?

I don't have my tongue pierced but im guessing that its probably ok. You should asked the person that pierced it.

Can you get your tongue pierced with geographic tongue?

It is generally not recommended to get a tongue piercing with a geographic tongue, as it may increase the risk of complications such as infection and irritation. It is best to consult with a professional piercer or healthcare provider for personalized advice on whether or not it is safe to proceed with the piercing.

Can alcohol peroxside clean a tong piercing?

i wouldn't clean a tongue piercing with peroxide. when you first get your tongue pierced you're suppose to clean it with antiseptic mouth wash and you are suppose to drink liquids for a whole week when you first get it pierced.

What will happen if you squeeze the pus from your pierced tongue?

not sure everyone acts different check this out at your doctor because you should not get pus from your tongue piercing it might mean that your tongue piercing has got infected because i have never got pus from my tongue piercing xoxo

Can your tongue split from getting it pierced?

No, your tongue cannot split from getting it pierced. Splitting or bifurcating the tongue involves a surgical procedure to physically divide the tongue in half. Piercing simply places jewelry through the tongue.