

Which is your fastest hand dominant or non dominant?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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In my opinion it is dominant.

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Q: Which is your fastest hand dominant or non dominant?
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How do you you sign in?

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Dominant hand can be on top or on the bottom during CPR. It depends on which position is more comfortable while performing the compressions. There is no requirement to have the dominant hand on top.

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If you're using American Sign Language you would make a "W" with both your hands, your dominant hand under your non-dominant hand. Then turn your dominant hand so your fingers point to the ground, then to your self and ends on top of your non-dominant hand.

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To spread the force and attempt to prevent damage to ribs or cartilage.

What is the asl sign for Passover?

A YouTube video I found ( has it as the A hand (of your dominant hand) knocking at the elbow of the non-dominant arm, the hand of which points upwards. (The non-dominant hand is an S in this, but I'm unsure if it is necessary). Hope this helps.

How to juggle?

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Why is your hand more sensitive than your non-dominant hand?

It is more sensitive because your dominant hand is used the most and therefore it is the most sensitive also there are nerve endings in your hand.

What to do if you have muscle only on one hand but nothing on other?

Everyone has a dominant hand and a non-dominant hand. The dominant hand is the preferred hand, and is usually stronger. The non-dominant hand is used less for primary activities and can be slightly weaker than the dominant hand. Some people can use each hand equally.Having literally "no muscle" would be called atrophy, where the muscles, tendons, and ligaments shrink and look smaller than normal.I suspect by "nothing" you mean that your one hand seems considerably weaker than the other hand.To strengthen a non-dominant hand, practice using it in place of your preferred hand. It's often amazing how un-coodinated and "weak" it is to use the non-dominant hand but with practice it can be done. When you reach for the gallon of milk with your right hand (preferred hand), stop and instead lift it with your left. Open the container, get a glass, and pour the milk all with your non-dominant hand. You might make a few messes, but the non-dominant side does get stronger with use.Try these activities with your non-dominant hand, for fun and to strengthen it:Eat / use a spoon and fork (improves coordination)button a shift (improves coordination)zip your coatcarry textbooksreach for and pick up objectspick up small objects (improves coordination)writedrawlift every object with the non-dominant side, taking care to not strain the thumb and wrist (use light weight objects at first)

How do you say today in sign language?

You sign NOW, which is making a Y with both your hands (palms facing up) bring down near stomach then make another smaller motion down again. Or you sign NOW DAY, which is signing NOW (as explained above) then DAY is your non-dominant hand in front of your torso your hand is a 5 with your fingers together (palm facing down) your dominant elbow is on the back of your non-dominant fingers, dominant hand is a 1 then move your dominant arm down against the top of your non-dominant hand.

What hand do you use for palmistry?

In palmistry, typically the dominant hand is used to analyze the individual's character, while the non-dominant hand is believed to show inherited traits and potential. Both hands can provide insights, but the dominant hand is usually the focus for palmistry readings.