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Q: Which issues threatened to tear France apart after world war 2?
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What role did the French play in World War 1?

France was a major participant in WWI and many of the battles were fought on its soil and it capital was threatened by the war itself.

What country ivading which to start World War 2?

Germany invading Poland triggered WW2, despite the fact that Germany was openly threatened by France and Britain.

How did the world view the governments north and south established?

The world thought it would be beneficial to them. If the U.S. fell apart who stands to gain? England, France, Spain, and Portugal.

Where did World War 1 tack place?

A Serbian called Gavrilo Princip killed the Austro-Hungarian Duke Franz Ferdinand, in response Austro-Hungary threatened Serbia to give Princip up or else, but the Serbians didn't know who had killed Franz so could do nothing, Russia threatened Austro-Hungary not to invade, in turn the German Empire (who had a treaty with Austro-Hungary) threatened Russia, Britain and France threatened Germany as Britain and France had a treaty with Russia, Japan also helped Britain under the 1905 Anglo-Japanese Treaty. That was how it became a World War, the countries fell like a line of dominoes, that is what treaties can do.

What major issues confronted turkey and Iran after World War 2?

After World War II the Palestinian issue came to a head. The war between these two major oil producers (Turkey & Iran) threatened to destabilize the region.

Is the Tour de France a yearly event?

Pretty much. It's been held eveery year from the star apart from during the world wars.

In what year did the tour of france take place?

Every year since 1903, apart from during the world wars, This year, 2013, was the 100th race.

What year was the tour de france held in?

Apart from during the world wars, it's been held every year since 1903. This year, 2013, was the 100th time the Tour de France was held.

How might France's goals for the postwar settlement differ from US goals?

France's goals for the post war settlement differ from the U.S because France wanted to prevent Germany from becoming a world power. And the U.S wanted to keep Britain from falling apart

How did Napoleon change the world?

he was the worlds greatest military commanders. Napoleon conquered all of Europe, invaded Russia, and threatened Russia. He also created many laws. he created democracy to France.

Which country's did Germany invade and then occupy during WW2?

i know france for part of World War 2 _____ bascally all of Europe apart from Ireland, The United Kingdom, Sweeden, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal.

What political system threatened the world after world war 2?

Communism .