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No of the joints listed are hinge joints; joints that allow only abduction and adduction.

The knee is a synovial pivotal hinge

The hip is a synovial ball and socket

The shoulder is a synovial ball and socket

The neck is complex combination of joints between the occipital bone and C1 - synovial condyloid; the C1 and C2 - synovial pivotal; and the C2 and C3, C3 and C4, C4 and C5, C5 and C6, C6 and C7, C7 to T1 - all cartilaginous symphysis

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20h ago

The joint that is called a hinge joint is the knee joint. This type of joint allows movement in only one plane, similar to how a door hinge works.

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Q: Which joint is called a hinge joint the hip knee shoulder or neck joint?
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Why is the shoulderarmand knee called a hinge joint?

The shoulder is not a hinge joint. You probably meant elbow. It is a hinge along with the knee. It is called a hinge because it works much the same as a door that can open and close by having one edge shared with the door jam that holds the door where it is but allows it to move in one plane, back and forth.

The knees and hips are similar to the arms and shoulders which represents the hinge joint and which represents the ball and socket joint?

Hinge: Knee and Elbow Ball and Socket: Hip and Shoulder

What type of joint are the elbow and knee?

Hindge joint

Which type of joint allows your knee to bend?

a joint called the hinge joint allows you to bend and straighten your knees!!:)

Why would it be inappropriate for the shoulder to be a hinge joint?

Imagine a shoulder that acted like you knee. It could only extend in one direction.

What are the names of the 4 hinge points?

The four hinge points are shoulder joint, elbow joint, hip joint, and knee joint. These are key articulations in the body that allow movement in different directions.

What type of joint that permits movement in one plane?

A hinge joint. Using your knee as an example of what this means: Standing up you can bend the knee so that your leg is bent behind you, but you cannt twist it or move it in any other way. This is what it is meant by only one plane of movement. Other joints such as your shoulder allow you to move your arm in many different ways meaning it has several planes of movement.

Is hinge a immovable joint?

A hinge joint is not immovable. A hinge joint has one plane of motion. A good illustration of a hinge joint is the knee joint.

The elbow and knee are examples of?

hinge joints that allow movement in one plane, such as bending and straightening.

What kind of joint is in the knee?

The knee joint is a hinge joint that allows for flexion and extension of the leg. It is formed by the articulation between the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone), as well as the patella (kneecap).

What are examples of the elbow and the knee?

The things on your legs, and the things on you arms!

What type of joint does the knee have?

The hinge joint.