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The best kettlebell brand to buy as a gift would be the Jillian Michaels kettlebells, that is if you are willing to pay good money. If you want a cheaper gift, try the Kathy Smith kettlebell (both, which are equally great gifts).

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Q: Which kettlebell would you give for a gift?
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Related questions

What type of exercises can you do with a kettlebell?

There are many exercises that you could do with a kettlebell. Kettlebell windmill, alternating floor press, alternating hang clean, and double kettlebell jerk are a few.

Is the Kettlebell workout safe during pregnancy?

You can continue with the kettlebell, but I would look into specifically how. There is a video entitled Baby Bells: The Fit Pregnancy Workout It is a fitness program designed specifically for pregnant women. It gives women the option of using the kettlebell when working out.

What is worth more a kettlebell or a normal calorie burner?

A kettlebell seems like a great idea for someone who wants to lose weight. You can find out more information about them by going here Another good option would be to buy a pilates ball.

Is the kettlebell workout DVD a good value?

I would not recommend the kettlebell workout if you are trying to improve your conditioning. You should probably just get a treadmill or elliptical machine if you want to improve conditioning.

What does the Kettlebell Workout offer its patrons that other workouts don't?

The Kettlebell Workout works quickly. The weight in a Kettlebell is not evenly distributed, which causes stabilizer muscles to work harder. In addition, Kettlebell allows for a varied workout, not one that gets boring.

Do you give give gift at a going away party?

If it is the host that is leaving and the party is for them then yes, you do give a gift. If they are hosting the party for a friend or family member then you would give the gift to the person leaving.

Are there free kettlebell workout plans?

For free kettlebell workouts check out, they offer seven varieties and other information regarding the workouts.

What would be heavier a kettlebell filled with lead shot or steel shot?

Lead shot is heavier

How do you give a belated birthday gift with out it looking that way?

It would be difficult to do so. Your best option is to give the gift and apologise for the delay.

Is there tax on gift cards?

No. If there was, it would be dumb to get a gift card in the first place. It would be smarter to just give money.

What are kettlebell workouts and what is the difficulty level?

They are strength training using a kettlebell. A kettlebell is like a giant weight with a handle on it. Depending on the person it can be difficult to catch onto, others may find it easy to catch onto.

What would Nick Jonas give a girl as a gift?

he would give a girl flowers on their first date