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C major, B-flat major.

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Q: Which keys is located next to F major on the circle of fifths?
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How does the circle of 5ths relate to the order of sharps and flats?

The Circle of Keys is a diagram of all Major and minor keys signatures. The sharp keys are arranged from the top, moving clockwise. The flat keys are arranged from the top, moving counterclockwise. There are fifteen Major keys: seven sharp keys, seven flat keys, and one key with no sharps or flats. Likewise, there are fifteen relative minor keys. The keys at the bottom of the circle are called enharmonic keys because their tones sound the same but are named and written differently. The Circle of Keys is sometimes called the Circle of Fifths because the keys are arranged an interval of a fifth apart.

What is a major circle?

The only usage of "major circle" that I'm familiar with is the "major circle of fifths", a sequence of musical notes of which each is the relative fifth of the previous. Starting at C (you can start on any note), the major circle goes C - G - D - A - E - B (Cb) - Gb (F#) - Db (C#) - Ab - Eb - Bb - F - C. In terms of keys, each successive key on the chart has one more sharp (or one less flat) than the previous one. The three "doubled" ones can be written with either sharps or flats (for example, the keys Db and C# have the same actual tones, but are written with 5 flats or 7 sharps respectively). You can also use the circle to tell you the order in which sharps (or flats) should be added. For flats, you start with Bb and work backward: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, Fb (which is equivalent to E). For sharps, you start with F (sharp) and work forward: F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B#.

Are major keys or minor keys associated with bright cheery and optimistic feelings?

Major keys tend to be associated with cheerful or upbeat feelings.

Which is the nearest airport to Florida Keys?

Key West International Airport is the closet major airport to the Florida Keys, located about 2 miles from Key West, however there are a few smaller airports in the Keys. See related link below.

How do you take major keys and transform them into minor keys?

Count up a sixth from the major (C) to find the minor (A).

What are the seven types of major keys?

There are seven keys with sharps and seven keys with flats, one key has no accidentals altogether, making a total of 15 possible major keys you can write in. There are also 15 minor keys with the same key signatures, totalling 30 keys. The 15 Major Keys Are: C Major (no sharps or flats) G Major (one sharp) D Major (two sharps) A Major (three sharps) E Major (four sharps) B Major (five sharps) F♯ Major (six sharps) C♯ Major (seven sharps) F Major (one flat) Bb Major (two flats) Eb Major (three flats) Ab Major (four flats) Db Major (five flats) Gb Major (six flats) Cb Major (seven flats) Hope that helped!

What does Alicia Keys major in?

Singing ;)

What keys are in a C major scale?

The keys are C D E F G A B, there are no key signatures in C major scale

Does a minor scale include both the black and white keys on a piano?

White keys are for the major scale, black keys for the minor.

Major attractions in Florida?

The Florida Keys

Which keys did Bach write his Brandenburg Concertos in?

The 6 Concertos are written in the following keys: 1) F major 2) F major 3) G major 4) G major 5) D major 6) B flat major

What is sharp keys?

G major or e minor