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The female lion works in packs to kill prey like cape buffalo, gnus, gazalles, antelopes, and zebras. The male lion protects the territory from other lions and hyenas.

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Q: Which kills the prey the male lion or the female lion?
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Which lion hunts more - male or female?

The lionesses hunt for food while the males protect their territory and sometimes assist in tackling larger prey like buffalo.

Example of predator-prey?

A lion (predator) kills and eats a zebra (prey).

How often does a male lion hunt?

The male lions can and will hunt if necessary when the female lions need help to bring down a bigger prey. The female lions will hunt the majority of the time.

What does a lion do to protect themselves from predators?

A male just chases the prey; A female lion is usually the actual hunter, because they teach their cubs and are more sneaky.Read more: How_does_a_lion_protect_itself_from_predators

What kills and eats their prey?

Any carnivorous (lion) or omnivorous (human) animal will hunt, kill and eat their prey.

What lion hunts for food male or female?

Within the pride, the females do most of the hunting. However, males will occasionally help bring down larger prey. Solitary males will also hunt.

How does a lion exercise?

Lions are among the laziest of the creatures. The female lions get some exercise chasing after prey, killing it, and dragging it back to the male lion. The male lion occasionally hunts, if there is no females to hunt for him; he also is the protector of the family group, going after the dangerous hyenas if they approach.

Who mostly hunts the female lion or male lion?

The female lionesses of the pride do the bulk of the hunting. Male lions duties mostly involve protecting the pride and fathering cubs. However, in cases where the pride is trying to bring down a large prey like a Giraffe or a Cape Buffalo, male lions too involve in the hunt.

What are predators of a mountain lion?

In south america, large male black caimans are known to prey on mountain lions in water. Female green anacondas can prey on mountain lions when the puma is in water. In North America, large male american alligators can prey on mountain lions, especially when the puma is in water.

Why does the lion prefer to live in a group rather then alone?

Lions prefer to be in a group so its easier to catch prey and while the male lions look after there young, the female lions go for the prey.. in a group around of 3-30. Female's are the dominate one, there the one that always does the hard work.. while the male lion just lyes around doing nothing (Being Lazy Like Every Male Is). Female Lions Dont Attack Alone Unless there going for another young.. Ect, Bull, Horse

What is an animal that kills and eat another animal known as prey?

it is a victim

Who kills the biggest prey a lion or a tiger?

The tiger would not get killed because tigers are faster than lions.