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The earliest vertebrates were probably similar to lampreys or hagfish.

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Q: Which kind of fish might resemble the earliest vertebrates?
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Which of the following were the earliest known verterbates frogs fish or snakes?

Fish are the earliest vertebrates.

Are sea invertebrates called fish?

No. Fish are normally vertebrates. Things like octopus and clams aren't really fish. The quibble would be sharks, which are not vertebrates, but still resemble fish.

Does agnatha have ectoderm or endoderm?

Agnatha are ancient jawless fish that include lampreys and hagfish. They are also probably the earliest vertebrates and have ectoderm.

Is a clown fish a vertebrates?

All fish are vertebrates.

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All fish are vertebrates.

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Yes, all fish are Vertebrates!

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Sea horses are vertebrates. They are fish and are descended from pipe fish.

Is a fish a invertebrate or vertebrate?

Fish are classified as vertebrates because they have an internal skeleton.

Are fly vertebrates?

All fish are vertebrates.

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Are piranha's vertebrates?

Yes. Piranhas are fish, and all fish are vertebrates. Vertebrates include mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.

What is a major difference between fish and other vertebrates?

Fish is aquatic vertebrates while other vertebrates are which animal have backbone.