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Fungi and protists

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The older system divides eukaryotic organisms into Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Chromista and Protista. All of these 5 kingdoms contain unicellular species, except for Animalia.

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Q: Which kingdom has animal-like and plant-like organisms?
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What type of organisms are plantae protista fungi and animalia?

plants and plantlike microorganisns are PRODUCERS.

Which of these kingdoms have organisms with plantlike or animallike characteristic?

Kingdom Plantae is probably plantlike. Kingdom Animalia is probably animal-like. That probably didn't answer your question, though. I'm guessing your context was something about fungi or "protist" kingdoms. Mushrooms are actually animal-like because they use chitin, a protein found in insects, rather than cellulose, found in all plants, as a structural protein. They also are heterotrophic (have to eat/suck the life out of stuff). So they are a bit more related to animals like ourselves. In the protist "kingdom", now disbanded, slime molds resemble fungi and animals somewhat, amoebas/ciliates resemble animals, and of course algae(including seaweed!) resemble plants.

Which is not one of the major phyla of animallike protists?

The phylum Arthropoda is not one of the major phyla of animallike protists. Arthropoda belongs to the animal kingdom and includes insects, spiders, and crustaceans, while animallike protists are members of the protist kingdom.

What are plantlike protists called?

Plantlike protists are called algae. These organisms can be unicellular or multicellular, and they can photosynthesize like plants. Algae play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems as primary producers.

Kingdom containing organisms that eat other organisms?

A kingdom containing organisms that eat other organisms is the Kingdom Animalia. Animals are heterotrophic, meaning they obtain their energy by consuming other living organisms. They can be carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, or detritivores, depending on their feeding habits.

Related questions

Is Euglena animallike plantlike or funguslike?

fungi like

What three kingdoms make up the protista?

animallike protist, plantlike protist, and fungilike prostist make up the kingdom Protista.

What physical characteristic did the plantlike Noctiluca and animallike Trypanosoma gambienese have in common?

Both Noctiluca and Trypanosoma gambiense are single-celled organisms with a microscopic size. Despite their different characteristics and classifications, they share the common feature of being unicellular microorganisms.

Animallike protists absorb nutrients from other organisms or organic materials true or false?

True. Animallike protists are heterotrophic organisms that obtain nutrients by absorbing them from other organisms or organic materials in their environment.

What type of organisms are plantae protista fungi and animalia?

plants and plantlike microorganisns are PRODUCERS.

What are organisms that are animal-like plantlike or funguslike?


Which of these kingdoms have organisms with plantlike or animallike characteristic?

Kingdom Plantae is probably plantlike. Kingdom Animalia is probably animal-like. That probably didn't answer your question, though. I'm guessing your context was something about fungi or "protist" kingdoms. Mushrooms are actually animal-like because they use chitin, a protein found in insects, rather than cellulose, found in all plants, as a structural protein. They also are heterotrophic (have to eat/suck the life out of stuff). So they are a bit more related to animals like ourselves. In the protist "kingdom", now disbanded, slime molds resemble fungi and animals somewhat, amoebas/ciliates resemble animals, and of course algae(including seaweed!) resemble plants.

Would you expect to find plantlike organisms bellow 1000 meters in the ocean?

No, plantlike organisms generally require sunlight for photosynthesis, which is limited below 1000 meters in the ocean. Below this depth, the lack of light makes it challenging for plantlike organisms to survive and thrive due to the limited energy available for photosynthesis.

Which is not one of the major phyla of animallike protists?

The phylum Arthropoda is not one of the major phyla of animallike protists. Arthropoda belongs to the animal kingdom and includes insects, spiders, and crustaceans, while animallike protists are members of the protist kingdom.

What plantlike organisms that decay to make acids?

Peat moss, pine needles, pinecones.

Which taxa includes the largest amount of genetic diversity among plantlike organisms?


They have also observed the growth of plantlike organisms in the bay. Which is the most likely explanation for the results?

the plantlike organisms are using up all the oxygen, killing the fish