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the smooth muscles are responsible for perstalsis and segmentation, so that means its the muscularis externa. :)

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Q: Which layer of the alimentary canal is responsible for segmentation and peristalsis?
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What is the muscular movement responsible for the movement of food through the alimentary canal?

The muscular movement of the intestinal canal is called peristalsis.

Smooth muscle propels food through the alimentary canal by a process called?

The process in which muscles propel food through the alimentary canal is called peristalsis.

What is the involuntary muscle action of alimentary canal?

The involuntary muscle action of the alimentary canal is called peristalsis. It uses this muscle action to move food through.

Where does food move by peristalsis?

In alimentary canal from throat to stomach.

What is the name For the muscular contractions that move food though the alimentary canal?


What does peristalsis in the stomach do?

Peristalsis is a series of muscular contractions which moves food, in its various stages of digestion, through the alimentary canal.

What is The layer of the digestive tract wall that is responsible for peristalsis?

the part of the alimentary canal responsible for peristalsis is the oesophagus or the food wave like movements of the smooth muscles on the wall of the food pipe the food is sent to the stomach.

Which layer of the alimentary canal is made of the smooth muscle involved in peristalsis?

Muscularis externa .

How does the food move down toward the stomach?

A series of muscular contractions, which squeeze the alimentary canal, called peristalsis, are what moves food all the way through the alimentary canal, from beginning to end.

What is the mixing of substance in the alimentary canal?

Smooth Muscle in the wall of the alimentary canal can contract to produce two types of movements 1. Churning: Churning Mixes substances in the canal 2. Peristalsis: Propels substances through the body.

What pushes the digestion?

Food is pushed along the alimentary canal by peristalsis, alternating waves of contraction and relaxation in the smooth muscles lining the canal.

Why is peristalsis useful?

It moves ingested materials through the alimentary canal at a consistent rate preventing material from rotting.