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Q: Which layer of the atmosphere has a temperature drop of 6.5 degrees celsius per km?
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Temperature drops 6.5 degrees Celsius per km what layer of atmosphere are you?


An air temperature of 95DC most often exists in which layer of the atmosphere?

The air temperature of 95 degrees Celsius most often exists in the thermosphere layer of the atmosphere.

What is the layer that temperature increase in space?

The thermosphere is the outer layer of the atmosphere and is literally known as the heat sphere. The temperature can constantly rise in this layer and reach up to 1000 degrees Celsius.

What temperature decreases in the third layer of the atmosphere?


Which layer of the atmosphere has temperatures from -50 degrees Celsius up to 0 degrees Celsius?

It's the stratosphere.

What is the temperature range on Saturn?

Saturn's atmosphere is comprised of different layers of clouds.At the bottom, there is a 10km layer consisting of ice where the temperature is about -23 degrees Celsius.The next layer is 50km and is about -93 degrees Celsius.About 80km above that is a layer of clouds where the temperature is about -153 degrees Celsius.Saturn also has a warm polar vortex where the temperature is -122 degrees Celsius, as opposed to the normal temperature of -185 degrees Celsius.

What layer of the atmosphere can reach 2000 degrees Celsius?

The Thermosphere

What portion of the atmosphere where temperature remains fairly constant?

It is the stratosphere atmospheric zone where the temperature stays fairly constant, at -60 degrees Celsius. The stratosphere layer contains the ozone layer.

the top layer temperature of mantle?

900 degrees celsius

How hot is the third layer of the sun?

The temperature of the sun is the coolest on the surface at 6000 degrees C or 10882 degrees F. In the middle layer of the sun, the temperature is 1,500,000 degrees C or 2,700,032 degrees F. In the center or core of the sun the temperature is 15,000,000 degrees C or 27,000,000 degrees F. Sunspots on the surface have an average temperature of 4,000 degrees C or 7,000 degrees F.

As temperature drops altitude increases- temperatures can be low as -93 degrees Celsius which layer of the atmosphere is this?

That would be up near the top of the troposphere, unless you're near the poles.

What is the altitude of the coldest place in the atmosphere?

The coldest layer of the Earth's atmosphere is the Mesosphere. At an altitude of 31 miles up to, 53 miles (85 km) from the surface of the Earth. Its temperature ranges from 5 degrees fahrenheit to -184 degrees fahrenheit. Or in terms of Celsius -15 degrees to -120 degrees.