

Which layers should you apply for compost?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Layers of carbon rich compostable materials need to be alternated with layers of nitrogen compostable materials. Examples of carbon rich materials are fallen leaves and branches. They're brown, with a 'b' as in carbon. Examples of nitrogen rich materials are fresh grass clippings. They're green, with a 'g' as in nitrogen.

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Q: Which layers should you apply for compost?
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What are the layers of a compost bin?

There shouldn't be layers in your bin. It should be all mixed up together.

How do you make your compost better?

It is by activators that compost can be made better. Activators may include alternating dry and wet layers, introducing animal manure with dried leaves or twigs and shredded wood, mixing fresh compost between the layers of an aged compost pile or vice versa, and sprinkling healthy garden soil between the alternating carbon- and nitrogen-rich layers.

Should Compost be full of Bugs and Roaches?

Commercial compost should be sterile so if bought compost the answer is no.

How do you make your make composte?

It is by activators that compost can be made better. Activators may include alternating dry and wet layers, introducing animal manure with dried leaves or twigs and shredded wood, mixing fresh compost between the layers of an aged compost pile or vice versa, and sprinkling healthy garden soil between the alternating carbon- and nitrogen-rich layers.

What percent of new compost should be old compost?

There is no need to mix old and new compost. Old compost ,if ready, should be used on its own. New material will take time to rot down to compost.

Why should you compost?

Everyone should compost because it is a win for everyone. Composting is good for the environment. Plants that are fertilized with compost are given nutrients that regular soil does not contain.

How do you make the compost mix hotter?

Turning layers is a way to make the compost mix hotter. Garden equipment, such as a rake, may be used to mix together and move up or down the alternating layers of carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials. Turning layers two or three times a week helps beneficial micro-organisms interact and reach more compostables and promotes proper aerating, heating and moisturizing of the compost container, pile or pit.

How and when do you apply compost to the soil?

In colder climates that only have one growing season, you apply compost only once a year to your garden. In the fall time, after your growing season has finished, you would mix the compost into the soil in your garden, allowing it to decompose further through the winter. This will give you a garden bed of nutrient rich soil come spring time. In warmer climates that effectively have 2 growing seasons, or grow year around, you would apply compost to the soil in the fall and in the spring before planting your next round of plants. You can also add compost to the soil during the heat of the summer when nothing is growing, to help reduce erosion, maintain moisture, and to help combat weeds. For best results, apply compost by digging and turning a foot deep of soil and then folding the compost into the loose soil.

How can compost be sterilized outdoors?

Raking the organic matter smoothly across the ground's surface, spraying with water, stabilizing clear plastic covers atop the uppermost layers, and subjecting everything to unobstructed sunlight for 6 - 8 weeks are the steps involved in sterilizing compost outside. The layers should not be go down more than 5 inches (12.7 centimeters) or be watered more than to the consistency of wrung-out sponges.

What should be done to allow air into a compost pile?

Turning layers is a task which should be done to allow air into a compost pile. An uncontained pile generally may be counted upon to receive adequate ventilation through location in a protected, shaded, under-traveled area even though turning the layers ensures proper progression through the composting stages. A contained pile will benefit from holes in bottoms, sides, and tops or mesh insets, panels or sections alternating with metal, plastic or wood.

Is newspaper compost safe for plants?

Newspaper in or as a major component of compost is actually very healthy for plants. Newspaper is made of wood pulp and wood is a natural component in the earth's eco system. It is a great compost item in that most inks are biodegradeble and the wood pulp in paper is finely shredded wood allowing for a rapid breakdown of the fibers, which translates in to a quick composting material. Layers of newspaper are a wonderful weed control method as well as a good source of compost for your plants. You can place them several sheets thick around the plants and apply a thin layer of conventional mulch or other organic material.

Can muck from the bottom of a pond be used as fertilizer or planting soil?

Silt is always rich in nutrients use it as layers on your compost heap.