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Q: Which leg do you put anklet's on?
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How do you put anklets on?

Putting on an anklet usually requires simply clasping the two ends together, similar to how one would put on a bracelet. Some anklets lack clasps and can be put on by sliding it over the foot.

Who wears anklets?

I wear them. I wear them as well. I love anklets! I make them so I wear them a lot.

Can men wear anklets?

Yes because they are awesome and so are snklets so wear surfer anklets

Why did World War 2 soldiers wear anklets?

They never did wear anklets They wore puttees to keep dirt out of their boots

What you wear that begins with letter A?


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What country did anklets originate from?


Why do people were anklets?

to look sexy

How can you fake a broken leg?

either put a cast on or actually break your leg

Why do you have to put that leg thing on your leg when you get married?


Where do straight people put their anklets?

If you put it on your left ankle, it means you have a love and your heart is taken. If you put it on your right ankle, it means your single and avalible. They put them around their ankles. On either ankle is good. I like to see them on both ankles.

Somthing you wear beginning with A?

Anklets (socks)