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Q: Which letter is pronounced almost exactly like the b in the spanish alphabet?
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"Krill" in English is spelled the same way as "Krill" in spanish. In spanish, however, the "i" in the word which sounds almost like and "e" in spanish is pronounced like a short "ee" in English (Example: "Kneel"). So the whole word would be pronounced "Kreel" in spanish.

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"I almost love you" in Spanish is "Casi te amo". It is pronounced "KA-see tay AH-mo". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.

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Ritalin is a name, so there the same. Any Name is pronounced the same in almost any language.

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The word 'pie' is パイ (pai) in Japanese. It's pronounced almost exactly the same as in English, but with a slightly different accent.

Do they write the same in spanish?

If you are asking if they use the same alphabet as us, then slightly yes. Almost all letters are the same, except for ''ñ,'' ''ch,'' ''ll,'' ''ü'' and sometimes ''rr.'' There are also the accented letters, such as ''á,'' ''í,'' ''ú,'' ''é,'' and ''ó.'' Of course, the two alphabets are pronounced differently, and in Spanish capital letters are used to a lesser extent than in English (= 'ingles', for example).

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What is a good nickname for Maya?

Haha my name is pronounced almost exactly like ures and my buds call me Mayo, Myers, My-my and Mies. Teehee;) hope that helped;)

What does jajajaja mean in spanish?

It's the Spanish version of "hahahaha" because in Spanish the "j" is usually pronounced as an "h". so they say jajajaja to make it sound like laughing because the way the say "h" sounds almost silent.

How do you say jaslyn in Spanish?

There is no real spanish equivalent to that name. The closest I can think of would be Jacin or Jacian. In most cases, spanish speakers would probably just say Jason as 'Jazon' (Ha-Sone) Maybe Jacinto, it sounds pretty close to me. There is a Spanish equivalent for the English Jason: Jasón. Same spelling, with an accent (and stress) on the ó. See the Spanish Bible (NVI), Romanos 16:21. And yes, it is pronounced Hah-SONE.