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The letter "s" makes the "sh" sound in the word "permission."

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Q: Which letter makes the sh sound in permission?
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What sound does the letter x make?

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The "ch" makes a "sh" sound in words like chef or machine because it follows the rule of English pronunciation where "ch" can have a "sh" sound when it comes after an "e" or an "i." This pronunciation comes from the influence of French and other languages on English.

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I can name two: In Malay (not the very similar Indonesian) the "sh" sound is now denoted by "sy" as in "syaitan"= shaitain= Satan. In Old English "sc" denoted the "sh" sound, eg scip= ship. "sch" can sometimes be pronounced as "sh", as in British pronunciation of schedule.

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Ss words that sound like sh Example tissue pressure?

Some examples of words that sound like "sh" are "sugar" and "sherbet." In the case of "tissue," the "ss" sound is pronounced differently than "sh" and does not have the same sound. "Pressure" also does not have the "sh" sound.

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The special sound in she is SH.........

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In Mandarin Chinese, the letter "x" is pronounced like the English "sh" sound. It is transliterated as "x" in pinyin.

How do you pronounce slainthe?

Slant-sh (like slant with the additional "sh" sound)

When does the ci sound like a sh?

In English, the letters "ci" typically sound like "sh" when followed by an "i" or an "e." This pronunciation is common in words like "ocean" or "special."

What is sh in hieroglyphics?

In hieroglyphics, the "sh" sound does not have an individual symbol. However, there are symbols for the "s" and "h" sounds separately, which can be combined to represent the "sh" sound in words.

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How does ghoti spell fish?

These are letters that make different letter sounds in other words.GH - has the F sound in rough and toughO = has the I sound as in womenTI = has the SH sound as in action and emotionAll together they make the word sound FISH.