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Microwaves and radio waves.

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Q: Which light has a lower frequency than an infra-red radiation?
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Which had lower frequency infrared radiation or red light?

Infrared has a lower frequency.

What has a longer wave length a infrared radiation or red light?

Infrared radiation has a lower frequency and longer wavelength than red light. Note that "infra" means "below" in this case referring to the lower frequency.

What Electromagnetic Radiation has lower frequency than the red of visible light?

The closest is infrared radiation.

How is infrared radiation different from visible radiation?

Both are examples of electromagnetic radiation. Infrared has a longer wavelength (lower frequency) than visible light. Of course visible light is visible to humans and infrared is not (although long wave Infrared is sensible to humans as heat).

Are microwaves a type of radio wave?

Microwaves are a frequency of electromagnetic radiation. It has a higher frequency than radio waves, but has a lower frequency than infrared light.

Infrared light differs from red light in?

Frequency. Infrared light has a lower frequency; less than 400 Terahertz

Electromagnetic radiation and what is called ultraviolet light?

EM radiation higher in frequency than violet visible light but lower in frequency than soft x-rays.

Where is infrared waves type of radiation located on the electromagnetic spectrum in relation to other kinds of radiation?

Immediately adjacent to the band of visible light, on the end with highest frequency / shortest wavelength.

Is the frequency of infrared light higher than visible light?

No. X-Rays have a greater frequency than visible light. In order of increasing frequency(or decreasing wavelength). Radio waves, Microwaves, Infra-red radiation, Visible light, Ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, Gamma rays.

Are uv and infra red light visible?

"UV" (ultra-violet) is radiation with shorter wavelength/higher frequency than visible. Infrared is radiation with longer wavelength/lower frequency than visible.

Does Heat have shorter wavelengths than visible light?

No. Heat is infrared radiation ("infra" means "lower"). Lower frequency means longer wavelength. All radiation is captured by antennas that resonate at the frequency of the radiation. The "antennas" for visible light are electrons that use the radiation to jump into excited states and cause optical neurons to fire. The "antennas" of heat (infrared) are bigger -- they are molecules that jiggle faster when the radiation hits them. That jiggling is heat.

What type of electromagnetic radiation has longer wavelengths than human eye can detect?

Heat, infra-red, microwaves and radiowaves