

Which light has high frequency

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The highest frequency (shortest wavelength) of visible light

is the light at the blue end of the visible spectrum.

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Q: Which light has high frequency
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Do light waves move at a lower or higher frequency than visible light?

they are a high frequency

High energey light has what wavelength?

High energy light has a small wavelength, and a high frequency.

What is the difference between unltraviolet light and infrared light?

wavelength and frequency. ultravoilet light has a short wave length and therefore a high frequency, while infrared light has a longer wave length and lower frequency

What are some similarities on light and heat?

Lightt and Heat are both electromagnetic radiations the similarity rises to sameness. Heat is low frequency light or light is high frequency light.

Can light harm humans?

If it is at a high enough frequency, yes.

What are 3 forms of Electromagnetic Radiation with a wavelength less than visible light?

The wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is a measure of the frequency; multiply the frequency times the wavelength, and the answer is ALWAYS the "Speed of Light", which we abbreviate as "c". All of these are different "bands" of electromagnetic energy. Radio is the longest wavelength and lowest frequency. "Low Frequency" is the lowest, followed by "high frequency", "very high frequency" or VHF, "ultra-high frequency" or UHF. Beyond that are microwaves, and then heat, then "infrared", and then visible light. Higher frequency (and shorter wavelengths) than light are "ultra-violet", then X-rays, and then "gamma rays".

What does a high frequency of vibrations produce?

Heat, light and, if in an atmosphere, sound.

How does Ultraviolet light work?

UV light is the same as any other kind of light or radiation along the spectrum from radioactive waves to radio waves. The difference between them is their wavelength and fequency. The longer the wavelength, the less the frequency. UV light is high-frequency short-wavelength light, just a bit more high-frequency than the highest-frequency visible light, which is violet. How does light work? Well, even physicists aren't quite sure.

Do ultraviolet waves have a high or low frequency?

That depends what you call "high" or "low". The frequency of ultraviolet waves is higher than that of visible light; lower than that of x-rays.

Light ray is straight line what is its frequency?

A light ray is a straight line with speed c=fw. The speed c is a constant and the product of the wavelength, w and the frequency f. The frequency is f=c/w, inverse to the wavelength. If the wavelength is long the frequency is low; if the wavelength is small the frequency is high.

What color of light was a highest frequency?

Violet. Recall VIBGYOR. Violet at the high frequency extreme and Red is at the low frequency extreme

What is an example of frequency?

Frequency can be found in sound, light, and line current. An example of frequency is, the frequency wave of light will determine what color the light is.