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Q: Which living things seem to be the pioneer species in all ecosystem?
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The first living things to arrive at a primary succession?

pioneer species

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Why in general can't tall trees be pioneer species?

Tall trees need deep soil. Pioneer species are the first species to live or grow in an area. There usually would not be soil in an area where no living things had been before.

Why living things are more beneficiary than non-living things in ecosystem?

They help the ecosystem and contribute to it and they help they ecosystem.

What is the difference between biosphere and ecosystems?

Ecosystem: When species interact with each otherBiosphere: All living things

Are the living things and non living things is an ecosystem interdependent?

Some of the living and non-living things in ecosystem interdependent are plants. Plants give out oxygen.

Which level of organization includes living and non living things?

The Ecosystem

What is the interaction of living things and non living things?


For you what is an ecosystem?

ECOSYSTEM- is an environment where LIVING THINGS and NON-LIVING THINGS interact with each other..BIOTIC and ABIOTIC are the components of ecosystem....~*MARGE*~

What term refers to all living thing in an ecosystem called?

I believe the word you are looking for is sylvan.

Compare and Contrast an Ecosystem and a Community?

A community has living things in it and a ecosystem has both living and non-living things in it. that is just contrasting it... :)

Compare and contrast a community and an ecosystem?

A community has living things in it and a ecosystem has both living and non-living things in it. that is just contrasting it... :)