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Q: Which logic function has the output low only when all inputs are high?
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What is NAND gate in semiconductor devices?

A NAND gate is digital logic device which will have 2 or more inputs which can be logic 1 or logic 0 (on or off, high or low) with all the inputs at logic 0 the output will be at logic 1, the only time the output will switch to a logic 0 is when ALL the inputs are at logic 1. here is a simple "truth table" To show the basic operation Input1 Input2 Output Off--------Off------- On Off--------On------- On On--------Off------- On On------- On------- Off NAND stand for not AND therefore a false will be present on the output only when both input are true ANSWER: NAND stands for NOT AND it simply negate the function. The only time that the output can be false if all inputs are true. In logic functions there is no ON-OFF it is either true or false "1" or "0"

How can you replace a NOT function by using NAND gate?

Short the inputs together. Logic: A High input, with the inputs shorted together, will be H+H at the input side of the NAND gate, therefore resulting in a low output. A Low input, with both inputs shorted together, is L+L for inputs, resulting in a High output. Also, a NOR gate can be used in exactly the same way.

Which logic gate has output high if and only if all inputs are low?

NOR - has two or more inputsinverter - only has one input, so that input is all inputs

When is the output of AND gate HIGH?

When all inputs are HIGH.

WHY on making both the inputs high in the AND Gate the output becomes high?

The output of the AND gate is high when both inputs are high because that is the definition of an AND gate. (Ouput is true ONLY WHEN Input A AND Input B are true.)

What is OR gate in logic gate?

1. NAND gate is used to invert the input A (by connecting A to both inputs). 2. NAND gate used to invert B the same way 3. Now put A' and B' into into a third NAND gate. The output will be (A'B')' which is equivalent to A+B.

Which IC digital gates requires a high on both inputs to output a high?

An AND gate

What is the application of ice?

It's a "quad, 2 input nor gate". To understand the significance of a "nor" gate, you need to understand a little about digital logic. An "or" gate takes 2 or more digital inputs and if either is "on", the output will be on. (asserted high). A "nor" gate inverts the output of the "or" gate, meaning that when either of the outputs are "on", the output will be "off" (asserted low). The two input part of the description just indicates that it only accepts two inputs. So, simply stated: If either (or both) input(s) of a quad, 2 input nor gate is (are) asserted high, the output will be low. If both inputs are off (low), the output will be high.

What is exclusive gate?

Probably you are referring to an Exlusive OR gate (XOR). This logic function (also implemented as an electronic circuit) outputs TRUE (or high) when one and only one of its two inputs is TRUE (or high). A regular OR gate outputs TRUE when either or both of its inputs are TRUE.

Which logic gate have output high if and only if all inputs are low?

A nor gate provides an output of 0 when any input is 1.Nor gate provides the opposite of or gate. An or gate provides a 1 or true output when any of the inputs is 1 or true. Therefore the opposite output would be provided by a nor gate.

Circuit diagram of xor gate using minimum number of nand gates?

The XOR gate (sometimes EOR gate, or EXOR gate) is a digital logic gate that implements an exclusive or; that is, a true output (1) results if one, and only one, of the inputs to the gate is true (1). If both inputs are false (0) or both are true (1), a false output (0) results. Its behavior is summarized in the truth table shown on the right. A way to remember XOR is "one or the other but not both". It represents the inequality function, i.e., the output is HIGH (1) if the inputs are not alike otherwise the output is LOW (0).

What is the application of IC 4001?

It's a "quad, 2 input nor gate". To understand the significance of a "nor" gate, you need to understand a little about digital logic. An "or" gate takes 2 or more digital inputs and if either is "on", the output will be on. (asserted high). A "nor" gate inverts the output of the "or" gate, meaning that when either of the outputs are "on", the output will be "off" (asserted low). The two input part of the description just indicates that it only accepts two inputs. So, simply stated: If either (or both) input(s) of a quad, 2 input nor gate is (are) asserted high, the output will be low. If both inputs are off (low), the output will be high.