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Oliver Cromwell

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Q: Which lord protector of the commonwealth banned Christmas in 1647?
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Which country banned Christmas in 1647?


Is it true that in 1647 a law was passed making it illegal to celebrate Christmas?

yes it is. in June of 1647, the english parlament created a law that banned christmas, as well as all "holy-days"...holidays

Who banned Christmas in England in the seventeenth century?

The English Puritans weren't keen on celebrating Christmas, as they regarded it as a continuation of a pagan festival. The Puritans were in control from 1649-1660.puritansim not sure but i know king Charles the second brought it back

Who banned Christmas 1647 - 1660?

In 1647, The English Parliament passed a law that made Christmas illegal. Christmas festivities were banned by Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell, who considered feasting and revelry on what was suppose to be a holy day to be immoral. Anyone caught celebrating was arrested. The ban was only lifted when the Puritans lost power in 1660. However, the Puritans in America banned Christmas between 1659 and 1681.

In 1647 English parliament passed a law that did what to Christmas?

banned anyone from celebrating it in England (random guess as they were mainly Puritans)

What happened when Christmas celebrations were banned in 1647?

Oliver Cromwell was a Puritan - a very religious branch of Chirstians who beliveed everyone's souls should be pure. That's why he banned Christmas. He thought that all people did at Christmas was get drunk and party all the time, so he banned the celebration all together. Carol singing was banned, Christmas trees were banned, gifts were banned, decoratons were banned...practically EVERYTHING to do with Christams was banned! Oliver Cromwell even sent out soldiers to hut down any people celbrating Christams, and punish them with a large fine or a prison sentence. Even cooking a turkery would casue trouble and could get you told off by the law!

What did William Bridge the Mayor of Canterbury abolish in 1647?


What year did parliament pass law making Christmas illegal?


Which national leader made Christmas carol singing illegal in 1647?

17th Century military and political leader Oliver 'Scrooge' Cromwell banned caroling from 1647 through 1660 saying Christmas should be a solemn occasion. Oliver Cromwell campaigned agaist the heathen practices of feasting, decorating and singing which he felt desecrated the spirit of Christ. The ban was lifted in 1660 when Cromwell lost power but the tradition of caroling at Christmastime did not resume in England until the 1800's.

What did oliver cromwell band in between 1647 and 1660?

oliver crom well baned Christmas . meany :( from jenna

During what period was Christmas banned in England?

== == it was during the Protectorate, Cromwell's rule after the Civil War during the 1600's. Michael Montagne == == It was during the Protectorate, Cromwell's rule after the Civil War during the 1600's. Michael Montagne ...

Was Christmas abolished by Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Parliament in 1647?

Oliver Cromwell and his Parliament did abolish Christmas in 1647. Christians of the time believed the acts of decorating and feasting to be pagan in nature. After the celebration of Christmas was abolished, the ban on Christmas did not lift until 1660 when Oliver Cromwell was no longer in power.