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You Have lymph nodes under your chin as well as your tonsils. However most harmful bacteria that come in through your mouth will be killed my enzymes in your saliva

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Q: Which lymphatic organ protects your body from harmful micoroorganisms that enter through your mouth?
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What is found in the lymph nodes and tonsils?

Lymph nodes are located along lymphatic pathways, and contain lymphocytes and macrophages, which destroy invading microorganisms. They remove and destroy potentially harmful foreign particles from the lymph through phagocytosis by macrophages. They are also the centers for the production of lymphocytes that act against foreign particles.Lymph nodes are located along lymphatic pathways, and contain lymphocytes and macrophages, which destroy invading microorganisms.

When fluid bathes the cells it is called interstitial fluid when it flows through the lymphatic vessels it is called lymph?

Yes,. When interstitial fluid flows through the lymphatic vessels it is called lymph

What is the lymphatic system made to do?

White Blood Cells, water and dissolved substances

What structure ensures a slow flow of the lymph nodes?

Lymph enters the lymph node through a series of afferent lymphatic vessels and exits the lymph node via efferent lymphatic vessels. There are more afferent lymphatic vessels than there are efferent lymphatic vessels, slowing down the flow. The reason the slow flow is desirable is that it allows time for lymphocytes and macrophages to carry out their protective functions of removing debris from lymph.

What helps fat move through the intestinal wall?

A process of emulsification which occurs occurs in the presence of bile. this allows the specialized lymphatic vessels called lacteals to draw the fat into the lymphatic system to be distributed throughout the body and to areas where it is needed.

Related questions

What protects earth from hamful ultraviolet radiation?

The ozone layer present in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiations of the earth. It blocks the harmful radiations while allows the useful ones to pass through.

Are lymphatic organs that protect your mouth and nose from harmful microorganism?

You Have lymph nodes under your chin as well as your tonsils. However most harmful bacteria that come in through your mouth will be killed my enzymes in your saliva

What protects your body from harmful microorganisms that enter through the mouth and throat?

Lymph Nodes... I think I had this same problem for science

WHere does lymphatic pathways begin?

Lymphatic Pathways begin when the lymphatic capillaries come out of the lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic Vessles leave to lymphnodes and act as a filter for the liquid is going through.

How science has benefited life on earth through the ozone layer?

Ozone layer acts as a shield. It protects us from harmful UV rays of the sun.

How is the lymphatic fluid distributed in the body?

Through the tiny vesicles that make up the lymphatic system.

Tissue fluid is returned to circulation through the what?

Tissue fluid is returned to circulation through the lymphatic system, where it is collected in lymph capillaries and transported back to the bloodstream through lymphatic vessels.

What is the path of lymph from the interstitial spaces to the blood capillaries?

from interstitial spaces towards the heart through lymphatic capillaries to lympahtic vessels then to lymphatic nodes then to the right lymphatic duct once in the venous blood, the lymph is then recycled through the body through the circulatory system

How is ozen layer protecting the earth from ultra violet rays?

Ozone layer is present in the stratosphere region of the atmosphere. It protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiations of the earth. It block the radiations which are harmful while allows the useful radiations to pass through.

Is tonsil an organ?

Yes, tonsils are considered as lymphoid organs. They are part of the lymphatic system and play a role in the immune response by helping to filter out harmful pathogens entering the body through the mouth and nose.

What does the human lymphatic system consists of?

The human lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic organs (spleen, thymus, tonsils), and lymphatic fluid (lymph). Its primary function is to help maintain fluid balance in the body and to assist in the body's immune response by filtering out harmful substances and producing white blood cells.

Why are holes in Earth ozone layer a problem?

Yes it is. They allow the harmful UV rays to pass through.