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Igneous rock

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Q: Which major type of rock is most likely to experience brittle deformation?
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Which earth mechanical layers contains the seven major plates?

The lithosphere (a combination of the crust and the uppermost brittle layer of the mantle) is divided into tectonic plates, including the seven major tectonic plates.

How are tectonic earthquakes produced?

Predominantly due to friction. Major earthquakes (the ones you hear about on the news) occur at collision (where two tectonic plates are smashing together) and conservative (where two plates slide side-by-side) boundaries. Rocks (which obviously make up tectonic plates) can undergo two types of deformation, ductile (or plastic) and brittle. When you put stress on these rocks, which happens when they rub against each other, they will usually undergo ductile deformation providing the stress is constant and fairly low. If you've ever been to a big mountain range like the Himalaya, you'll see folds in the rocks. This is ductile deformation. Earthquakes occur when the stress reaches a point called the rupture point. When this point is reached, the rocks will not fold and twist, they'll simply break and energy is released, an earthquake. In plate tectonics, this happens in the Wadati-Benioff Zone (in collision boundaries). The best illustration for this ductile/brittle deformation process is using one of those plastic rulers found in schools around the world (Staedtler type). You can bend the ruler and it will actually bend quite a long way. However, it will reach a critical point where it will stop bending and just snap, releasing energy in the process. This energy is effectively the same as seismic waves in earthquakes (albeit on a much smaller scale) that will cause material around it to vibrate. Big enough vibrations = buildings collapse. Source: geography teacher and geology graduate.

What will be the major result of global warming?

Rising ocean levels will contribute to flooding of coastal areas and increased storm intensity, which could result in flooding of other areas. Some geographic areas accustomed to consistent rainfall are likely to experience prolonged periods of drought.

During what two epochs did California experience major glacial activity?

Pleistocene epoch and the Holocene epoch.

Why is a major earthquake in California likely to occur in the near future?

It's on a fault line

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What is the major cause of deformation of the Earth's crust?

Bending, tilting & breaking

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What lack in the diet of a person that suffers from brittle bones?

Brittle bones are often due to a major lack of calcium in a person's diet.

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How likely is it for Kansas to experience an earthquake?

Unlikely to experience a major seismic event

What are 3 major parts of the lithosphere?

The continental crust, the oceanic crust, and the uppermost brittle mantle.

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The salary of a social worker varies depending on factors such as location, experience, and level of education. On average, social workers in the US earn around $50,000 to $60,000 per year. However, this can range from $30,000 to over $80,000 annually.

Why brittle fracture occurs in grey cast iron?

Gray cast iron contain high amount of carbon in the form of flakes, the major strengthening element. These flakes cause the cast iorn to become strong yet brittle, in other words they become stress risers due to their brittleness, hence the part itself becomes brittle.

Which earth mechanical layers contains the seven major plates?

The lithosphere (a combination of the crust and the uppermost brittle layer of the mantle) is divided into tectonic plates, including the seven major tectonic plates.

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Mental health is a combination of genetics, upbringing and experience. For example, if someone is genetically predisposed to depression (maybe an auntie, uncle, parent, sibling or grandparent has it) and they go though a stressful situation, experience a major loss or are abused growing up, they are more likely to develop depression than someone who is predisposed but doesn't experience a stressful situation.

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A person may receive free plastic surgery if that individual has a major deformity. A person can also get free plastic surgery if a surgical deformation arises.