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Mainly chicken is the best meat to cook in clay pot cooking. Clay pot cooking should be done in a minimized heat and should be placed on the trivet for cooking.

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Q: Which meat is the best to cook when clay pot cooking?
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How do you cook meat on RuneScape?

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What will happen if you cook bacon that is not thawed out?

COOKING FROZEN MEAT(BEEF) Cooking frozen meat takes longer too cook. if grilling pork or chicken you need to cook it longer and at lower temprature,to prevent over cooking(or burning)the meat. I Prefere to cook steak Streight out the freezer. the ice crystals inside the meat "burst" when cooking eliminating the need to tenderize the meat! and easier to get the perfectly MED,to med-rare steake! nice and guicy! YUMMMMMM! And cooking hamburger for sloppy joes,tacoes,hamber-helper just throw it in the pan Frozen,and scrape off the cooked meat as you cook the other side flip and scrape.Repeat as necessary and Presto! GROUND BEEF! without the extra teflon from the pan!

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Removing cooking will loosen the meat and cause it to cook differently. Thinner areas will cook more quickly and become drier than desired.

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It will kill a lot of bacteria, but it does not sterilize the food.

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Why do cooks put ice in the pot to cook meat?

Cooks put ice in the pot when they are cooking meat to slow down how fast it cooks. Putting ice in the pot when cooking meat also helps to keep the meat juicy.

Is cooking an adjective?

It can be a noun - a cook (someone who does the cooking), or the verb - to cook or sometimes it can be used as an adjective - a cookbook.

How do you cook a rooster?

Rooster can be cooked or baked the same as you would with a regular chicken. A rooster can be made into a stew or cooked inside a crockpot. Those would be the best choices to cook a rooster because the meat is tough and slow cooking it makes the meat more tender.

Compare how high heat cooking and low heat cooking affect meat?

Depending on the meat, high heat cooking can dry it out. But sometimes if you like your steak rare for instance you should cook it at a high heat for a short period of time, but for something like pork, this is not the best idea. The general rule is that high is dry, so go low and slow. Best of Luck!

Why is it best not to use joints of meat over 6kg?

Because When you cook the whole joint then the outside will be brunt because the meat cant cook it all evenly. This is then same for everything in cooking such as baking cakes the bigger you want it the long it takes to cook and its more likely to burn.

How does adding a papaya to meat help it cook faster?

papaya has the enzyme papain, which tenders the meat tussies, hastening the cooking process.