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Biotite mica

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Q: Which mineral has a hardness of 2.5-3 and makes a good electrical insulator?
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What unusual charateristic does mica have and how is it useful?

Mica is a soft mineral (Mohs hardness of 2-2.5), and has perfect cleavage in one direction. It also has a shiny luster, which makes it useful in paint and makeup manufacture. It is used as an insulator in electrical equipment and because of its resistance to heat it has been used as a replacement for glass in furnace and stove windows. The low hardness makes it useful as a very mild abrasive, and it is used in some toothpastes.

What is the mineral with a hardness of 1 on the Mohs scale?

Talc is the mineral with a hardness of 1 on the Mohs scale.

Hardest material on earth?

The hardest material in the world is Wurtzite, it is very much same as that of a diamond but is more complex than diamond and thus makes it stronger than diamond. Wurtzite boron nitride becomes 80% stronger after the re-orientation process, and this makes it the hardest substance found on earth.

What are some uses for Corundum?

Corundum is very hard. It serves as the index mineral with a hardness of nine on the Mohs Hardness Scale. It is the third hardest mineral known, with diamond and moissanite being the only minerals with a greater hardness. This high hardness makes corundum especially useful as an abrasive. Crushed corundum is screened to produce uniformly-sized grits and powders. These are used as grinding media and used to manufacture polishing compounds, sand papers, grinding wheels and cutting tools. The costs of manufacturing abrasives have been declining through innovation. Synthetic corundum is increasingly being used as an abrasive instead of natural corundum.

How do you make a good insulator?

the insulator s metal must has fully filled orbital without any free electron

Related questions

Which mineral has a hardness of 2.5 3 and makes a good electrical insulator?

Biotite mica

What mineral makes hardness?


What unusual charateristic does mica have and how is it useful?

Mica is a soft mineral (Mohs hardness of 2-2.5), and has perfect cleavage in one direction. It also has a shiny luster, which makes it useful in paint and makeup manufacture. It is used as an insulator in electrical equipment and because of its resistance to heat it has been used as a replacement for glass in furnace and stove windows. The low hardness makes it useful as a very mild abrasive, and it is used in some toothpastes.

What makes a good electrical insulator?

An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electric charges do not flow freely. Rubber, glass, paper, and Teflon, which have high resistivity, are very good electrical insulators.

Is plastic conductor or insulator?

Plastic is an insulator.

What does Good electrical insulator mean?

An insulator is a material that does not conduct well, so an electrical insulator is a material that does not conduct electricity well. A metal is a bad electrical insulator as it has delocalised electrons, therefore conducts electricity, but most plastics and materials like rubber do not conduct electricity, so they are good electrical insulators. Hope that makes sense and helps? :3AnswerAn insulator is a material with insufficient free charge carriers to support conduction.

Why is tape a good insulator?

Duct Tape is made of rubber and since rubber is a good insulator that makes duct tape a good insulator. The best tape for insulating is electrical tape.

What is difference between hardness and streak?

Hardness is a mineral's resistance to being scratched, while streak is the color of the powder a mineral leaves behind when scratched on a porcelain streak plate. Hardness is measured on the Mohs scale from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest), while streak is a diagnostic property used to identify minerals.

Is oil a condutor or an insulator?

Oil is an insulator. It does not conduct electricity well due to its low electrical conductivity, which makes it a good material for insulating purposes in various applications.

Why pure water is a good insulator?

Pure water is a good insulator because it is a poor conductor of electricity due to its low ion concentration. The lack of free ions makes it difficult for electric current to flow through water, reducing the risk of electrical shock. The high resistance of pure water to the flow of electricity makes it an effective insulator for electrical applications.

What is the hardness of emeralds?

The hardness of an emerald is 7.5-8. The hardest stone is a diamond which has a hardness of 10.

Do charges Flow easily in an electrical insulator?

Charges do not flow easily in an electrical insulator because insulators have very few or no free electrons that can move to carry an electric current. This lack of charge mobility makes insulators poor conductors of electricity.