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Computer chips are made with Silicon (metal). Glass, however, is made from Silica (sand) which sounds similar, but is actually quite different.

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Q: Which mineral is used for making glass and computer chips?
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What is used ti make computer chips glass ceramics abrasives and sweetners?

Most likely, you mean silicon. It is certainly used in computer chips, glass, and abrasives.

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What mineral is used in making glass and laundry detergents?


What is a colourless mineral from igneous rocks used in glass making?

Quartz is a colorless mineral found in igneous rocks that is commonly used in glass making. It is valued for its hardness and resistance to chemical weathering, making it an ideal ingredient for a variety of glass products.

What mineral is used for making laundry detergents and glass?

Sodium carbonate, also known as soda ash, is commonly used in laundry detergents as a water softener and pH balancer. Silica, in the form of sand or quartz, is used in glass production to give strength and clarity to the material.

What are the five products made from silica?

Glass, Ceramics, cookware, contact lenses, computer chips.

Why do recycled glass countertops cost cheaper than mineral glass countertops?

I would think that the answer is simple and resides in the simple business economic laws of supply and demand. The supply of glass for recycling is abundant whereby the material for making mineral glass countertops must be brought in and processed before making it into a countertop.

What mineral forms glass?

The mineral quartz is the main ingredient in manufactured glass.

What was the name of corning glass works first computer?

Corning glass didn't make computers. They began by making titles for the space program and then into making dishes for consumers.

Is volcanic glass a mineral?

Volcanic glass is not a mineral. It's composition is complex, and their is no crystalline structure.

Are gemstones a rock or mineral or glass?

Gemstones are a mineral.

Can a mineral be a liquid?

No. A mineral must be solid to be a mineral. For example, liquid water is not a mineral. Frozen water, or ice, is a mineral.