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The Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks.

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Q: Which mineral sound like a measurement of volume?
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Is a quart a mineral or Rock?

A quart is a measurement of volume, like a pint or a gallon.Quartz, however, is a mineral.

Which mineral sounds like measurement of volume?

The Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks.

What is pounds in volume measurement?

No. lbs is a weight (mass) volume is 3 dimensional measurement (space). One has nothing to do with the other. Like asking how does yellow sound...

What is the smallest unit of measure in microbiology?

bad question. Unit of measurement of what? Distance? Volume? Sound? Force? mass? I would say micrometers is generally the smallest measurement of distance in microbiology. Although some things, like DNA, proteins are measured in nm.

How many liters are in 43Cm?

a cm is a measurement of length, liter is a measurement of volume. this cannot be done. it's like asking how many gallons are in a foot.

What is sound and pitch?

When a person talks or something crashes it forms a sound. There is sound all over the world. Sound can vary in two different ways. The pitch (not the pitch as in football pitch) of a sound and the volume of a sound. Pitch is how high or how low a sound is. A high pitched sound is like when a child talks. A low pitched sound is like when an adult talks Volume is the term for how strong or how soft a sound is. If the sound is strong then it is loud. But when the sound is soft then the sound is quiet.

How much is 1 square meters in volume?

The question is a lot like asking "How much is 30 minutes in length ?" 1 square meter is a measurement of area. It has zero volume.

What does an electric acoustic guitar sound like?

a lot like a normal acoustic guitar, but with more options on volume.

How do you determine the volume of an irregularly shaped object like a mineral?

Submerge the object in a known volume of liquid within a container with graduation markings. Carefully turn the object to release and trapped gases from concavities. Measure the new volume of liquid with the object submerged and subtract the original volume. The difference is the volume of the irregularly shaped object. If the object is buoyant, choose a lower density liquid or hold the object beneath the surface with a rod or rods, noting the length of rod(s) submerged at the time of the second fluid measurement, then subtract the volume of rod submerged from the difference in the two fluid volumes.

Is rock a good conductor of sound?

Probably. It depends on the crystal structure of the dominant mineral. A pourous rock, such as honeycomb rock in Jamaica, will not be a good conductor of sound. A dense rock, like granite, will conduct sound better.

What does wave amplitude measure?

Wave amplitude is the strong or weak of the wave, like in sound, it would be the volume.

What is populatoin density?

Its a measurement of population per unit area or unit volume. Its like the number of individuals in a certain area. hope this helps.