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albert barnes

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Devon Smith

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Q: Which minister who wrote about slavery would southerners dislike?
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What minister who wrote about slavery would Southerners most dislike?

Albert Barnes

Why did southerners dislike Uncle Tom's Cabin?

The book was about slavery and it showed the harsh realities of it. It made the Southerners fear that slavery would be abolished because of it. The pro slavery even made books like Aunt Phillis' Cabin and Uncle Robin in His Cabin in Virginia and One in Boston.

Why did southerners refuse to put Lincoln on the ballot?

The southerners were for slavery, but Lincoln was not. Lincoln would try to abolish slavery.

Why would southerners support a pro-slavery government if they did not believe in slavery?

Because slavery was the mainstay of the cotton industry.

What did southerners fear Lincoln would do after the election?

take away slavery

Which minister who wrote about slavery would southerns most dislike?

albert barnes

Why did southerners support the annexation of Texas?

They thought that granting popular sovereignty would allow slavery

Why did South Carolina dislike Lincoln?

President Lincoln wanted to stop the spread of slavery, and slave trade. The Union supported him, but most people in the Confederacy did not. They wanted to keep trading slaves, and using slave labor. This is one reason why the Civil War started, and why Lincoln was assassinated.

Why were southerners were opposed to the Wilmot Proviso?

The proviso would limit the spread of slavery- NoVaNeT :]

Why were the southerners opposed to the Wilmot Proviso?

The proviso would limit the spread of slavery- NoVaNeT :]

Why were southerners politicians opposed to the wilmot proviso?

The proviso would limit the spread of slavery- NoVaNeT :]

Why did southerners the Kansas Nebraska act?

They thought that granting popular sovereignty would allow slavery