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Offcourse osi..... TCP/IP is an implementation of osi....

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Q: Which model came first osi model or tcpip?
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Which two layers of the osi model have the same function as the TCPIP?

physical and data link

Which model is practically used OSI or TCPIP?

The OSI model is used today with current networking standards. It covers more than the more limited TCP/IP model.

Which one is the best model between osi and tcpip and why?

TCP/IP because the osi model has seven layer but in tcp/ip only four layers and most important is that the tcp/ip model is reduce the function of osi model.

How do the layers of the OSI model correlate to the layers of the OSI model?


List three advantages of TCPIP model over OSI model?

hiiii its simpler than osi osi is intra net however tcp/ip is internet ethernet cabling give more efficient in data transfer various protocols used for various application port technology implemented to transfer and retrive various application at the same time Regards Raja rajeswaran.N

Why Internet and its protocols is prior over OSI?

The OSI model came after TCP/IP networking protocols were available in networks. The OSI description also as to describe and identify networking components that do not exist in the TCP/IP model.

What occurs at the Network Interface layer of the TCPIP model?

The network access layer equivalent to the physical and data link layers of the osi model. basically this layer defines how data is physically sent through the network. There are several OSI and TCP/IP model video tutorials online.

What is the difference between osi and tcp model?

1.The OSI model originally distinguishes between service,interval and protocols. 1.The TCP/IP model doesnt clearly distinguish between service,interval and protocol. 2.The OSI model is a reference model. 2.The TCP/IP model is an implementation of the OSI model. 3.In OSI model,the protocols came after the model was described. 3.In TCP/TP model,the protocols came first,and the model was really just a description of the existing protocols. 4.In OSI model,the protocols are better hidden. 4.In TCP/IP model ,the protocols are not hidden. 5.The OSI model has 7 layers. The TCP/IP model has only 4 layers. 6.The OSI model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the network layer,but only connection -oriented communication in transport layer. 6.The TCP/IP model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the transport layer.,giving users the choice. For more information visit the Related Link.

What are the top and bottom osi model layers called?

application -top of osi model physical- bottom of osi model

Which layer of the OSI reference model is responsible for signal encoding?

Physical layer which is the first layer in OSI reference model is responsible for signal encoding and decoding.

Which layer of the osi model covers cabling and electrical signaling?

First layer of the OSI model covers the cabling and electrical signaling. The first layer of OSI model is the physical layer. The physical layer also decides the transmission mode and physical media.

Compare the osi reference model with tcpip reference model discuss the shortcomings of these models?

Q.8 What is the difference b/w OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Reference Model? The open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model describes how information from a software application in one computer moves through a network medium to a software application in another computer. The OSI reference model is a conceptual model composed of seven layers, each specifying particular network functions. As in the OSI model, data is passed down the stack when it is being sent to the network and up the stack when it is being received from the network. The four-layered structure of TCP/IP is seen in the way data is handled as it passes down the protocol stack from the application layer to the underlying physical network.