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Q: Which month was the most cycles sold or which month were the most cycles sold which sentence is right?
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Is most best in a sentence right?

No that would not be proper English. Best by itself in a sentence is correct.

How often do female dogs have menstrual cycles?

Female dogs do not have actual menstrual cycles. Instead, they have estrus cycles. These cycles consists of proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus. The number of cycles varies by breed with most breeds cycling two times a year,

Can you use August in a sentence please?

Sure! "August is usually a hot month in most parts of the world."

What is the month right now?

As of today, June 25 2012, it is the month of June for people in most English speaking nonreligious cultures.

Can you have your period during the first month of pregnanct but your not on the pill?

it is possible some people do have full cycles during their first month of pregnancy most of the time its just spotting though....take a test to be sure the dollar store has them for a dollar if your short on cash.

What do most economists believe about the future of the business cycles?

Most economists believe the future of business cycles will continue to ebb and flow. They believe business cycles will continue to drive the economy.

Can you have more than one period a month on the pill?

Not necessarily, most likely this "second period" is spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Spotting/ Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding before or in between menstrual cycles.

How can you use the word right as a noun?

A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:The next right will take you to the station. (subject of the sentence)It is most certainly my right to refuse to answer. (direct object of the verb 'is')

In what month are Christmas charity cards most popular?

The month that the Christmas charity cards are usually most popular is obviously December. Maybe if you want to be more obvious, it's usually right after Thanksgiving.

What is the best priced package for Dish Network?

The DishFamily package is the most economical package at 24.99/month. Right now there is a 12 month special for $19.99/month. This package will give you about 55 channels.

Inopportune in a sentence?

She went into labor at the most inopportune time of the month. Inopportune is a word used to describe something that happens at a inappropriate time.

What causes the drought cycles in Africa?

Quickly evaporating rainwater causes most of the drought cycles