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Q: Which mood is created in the audience through Antigone's lines and situation?
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If an actor talks to the audience What is it called?

If an actor speaks directly to the audience it is called an aside. If an actor speaks to himself, while only the audience can hear, it is called soliloquy. The fourth wall is a hypothetical barrier between the actors and the audience. This barrier is broken when an actor interacts with the audience through an aside.

Advantages of proscenium stage?

1.large arch, the proscenium arch, through which the audience views the performance 2. audience directly faces the stage 3. views only one side of the scene

What is a actors job description?

The actor's job is to stimulate emotional responses from the audience through the portrayal of dramatic events.

What term describes what an actor breaks when he addresses the audience directly from stage?

It's called "breaking the fourth wall" and refers to a convention which evolved in the nineteenth century. The idea was that the actors were to behave as if they were in a room with four walls, three of which are the walls of the set of the proscenium stage and the fourth of which is a kind of one-way glass between the actors and the audience: the audience can see through it, but the actors can't, and so are not supposed to acknowledge the existence of the audience in any way. If someone on stage does acknowledge the audience, it's called breaking the fourth wall. The actor does not have to speak to the audience: it is sufficient if he looks at the audience and winks or makes some other sign that he sees them.Of course, not all drama uses the fourth wall convention. A lot of plays both old and new don't.

Where did the audience sit to watch performances in an Elizabethan theater?

Theatres like the Globe and the Rose had a thrust stage with a ring of covered seats, a set of ground floor seats and one or two balconies. These contained wooden benches on which audience members could sit. Some particularly favoured members of the audience were allowed to sit on the stage in chairs. The "groundlings", who filled the space inside the ring of seats, did not sit at all but stood through the performance.

Related questions

How is humor created?

Humor is created through various comedic techniques such as exaggeration, irony, word play, satire, and timing. It often involves highlighting the absurdity or incongruity in a situation, leading to surprise and laughter in the audience. Humor can also stem from cultural references, shared experiences, and the unexpected resolution of a set-up.

What is mood in drama?

Mood in drama refers to the atmosphere or feeling that is created for the audience through elements such as lighting, music, setting, and the emotions of the characters. It sets the tone for the overall experience and can greatly impact how the audience perceives and connects with the story being presented.

What are the ethical responsibilities of the audience in a public speaking situation?

The ethical responsibilities of the audience in a public speaking situation include actively listening to the speaker, showing respect through non-verbal cues like eye contact and nodding, refraining from disruptive behavior, and engaging with the content in a thoughtful and respectful manner. It is important for the audience to create a supportive environment that encourages open dialogue and understanding.

What are the components of rhetorical situation?

The components of a rhetorical situation include the audience (who the message is intended for), the purpose (the reason for the communication), the context (the circumstances surrounding the communication), the message (what is being communicated), the speaker (the person delivering the message), and the medium (the channel through which the message is conveyed).

How does hyperbole contribute to the humor in the discussion of Algernon's engagement to Cecily?

Hyperbole in the discussion of Algernon's engagement to Cecily adds humor by exaggerating the absurdity of the situation. It highlights the characters' frivolous attitudes towards relationships and injects a sense of ridiculousness into their conversation. This amplification through hyperbole makes the situation comical for the audience.

What is an audience in a computer?

An audience is a group of people watching a showing - and this could be through a computer - e.g. youtube.

Use the word frisson in a sentence?

The tension in the air created a frisson of excitement among the audience before the performance began.

Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are?

Consider the audience you are addressing and the level of formality that is appropriate for the situation. Additionally, be mindful of the tone and style you want to convey through your choice of language.

How can the choice to present a story through the medium of radio most affect an audience perception of it?

Emotional music can sway an audience's emotions. (APEX)

When working to persuade an audience it is important to?

Understand the audience's needs and interests Use evidence and logic to support your arguments Craft a clear and compelling message Engage with the audience through effective communication techniques

What is the definition of dramatic atmosphere?

Dramatic atmosphere refers to the emotional tone or mood created in a work of literature, theater, or film that influences how the audience perceives the story or characters. It is often achieved through elements such as setting, dialogue, music, and lighting to evoke specific feelings in the audience.

How was the audience divided for shakespeares plays?

The audience was divided into those who were going to stand through the play and those who got to sit, depending on how much they paid to get in.