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Q: Which mountain changes colours daily
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Where and when can one see purple mountains?

Rock mountain.. It changes its colour daily

What changes colours artificially?


Where are daily changes greatest?

daily changes is something that happens regurlay

What colours are used to show mountain areas?


How do mountain animals deal with the weather?

Mountain animals have wooly or thick coats which protect them from the cold. The heat gets trapped inside the coats. Mountain animals wear light colours to camoflage or dark colours to attract heat and light.

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What is areptiles?

a reptilee is a coldblooded animal that changes colours

What daily changes affect the rockpool habitat?

Some Daily changes in a rockpool are:Water TemperatureWater levelSand level

How big can a mountain get?

the height of a mountain varies because it erupts and changes so much

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What is the order of colours on poptropica on Game Show Island?

The order changes every time.

What is the meaning of mood colors?

colours can bring different changes in our moods.