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The answer is a fault-block mountain

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Q: Which mountain has the basin and range province is characterized by normal faults?
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Normal and reverse faults are characterized mainly by?

dip-slip faults

How is a fault-block mountain created?

by two normal faults

What type faults create mountain and valleys?

Reverse and normal

Is a fault block mountain created by 2 normal faults?

Yes, and a mountain range

What kind fault would create a mountain range?

Thrust faults will do this - the alps. So will normal faults - horsts

A graben is characterized by?

A graben is characterized by a hanging wall block that has moved down between two normal faults. In thrust faulting the crust is shortened and thickened.

When normal faults uplift a block of rock this type of mountain forms?

san andreas

Is it true that Mountains formed by blocks of rock uplifted by normal faults are called dome mountains?

No, only reverse faults can cause a mountain.

What are normal faults caused by?

Normal faults are caused by tension in the movement of rocks

What does normal faulting mean?

Normal faults are when you have hanging walls that slide down relative to and below the footwall. Dip-slip faults are normal faults.

The land between two normal faults may be uplifted to form?

Normal Faultin a normal fault, the hanging wall slips down relative to the footwallfootwall- the rock that lies belowhanging wall- the block of rock that lies abovenormal fault- tension in Earth's crust pulls rock apart which causes normal fault2. The Land Between Two Normal Faults Moves Upward To Form What?is a Fault - Block Mountain.

Are the three types of faults normal faults backward faults and slip faults?

No. Your terminology is close but not quite right. The three main types of faults are normal faults, reverse faults, and strike-slip faults. Strike-slip faults may also be called transform faults.