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Q: Which mountains are the oldest according to geological history?
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Are the oldest mountains also the tallest mountains on earth?

No, the highest mountain is Mount Everest and the oldest, according to many scientists, is the Barberton Greenstone Belt (about 3.5 billion years old).

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The oldest mountains on the continent?

Appalachian mountains

What is a old mountain?

Almost all mountains are 'old'. However, geological scientists agree that the Barberton Greenstone Belt in Africa is the oldest mountain range on Earth at 3.5 billion years old.

How old are the Appalchian Mountains?

the oldest mountains in the U.S.A

What does it mean when you say that australia is the oldest of the continents?

That it is upon this Continent that the oldest fossils or other geological specimens are found.

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appalachian mountains

What are the oldest mountains in France?

The oldest mountains in France are the Massif Mountains. They are situated in the heart of the country. The Massif Mountains take up to 15 per cent of the total surface area of France.