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flexor digitorum superficialis

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Q: Which muscle is a superficial anterior flexor muscle?
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What is the correct order of anterior forearm muscles from deep to superficial?

Pronator quadrants flexor digitorum profundus flexor digitorum superficial is flexor carpi radials

Where are most flexor muscles located?

A flexor muscle is a muscle which bends or flexes a limb. Most flexor muscles are located on the anterior aspect of the body.

An extensor-flexor muscle not located in the anterior or posterior?

The muscles of the legs do not follow the generalization that extensor muscles are on the posterior and flexor muscles are on the anterior.

What muscles that move the forearm?

These muscles can be divided into flexor-pronator and extensor-supinator groups. Forearm Pronation: 1. Pronator Teres 2. Pronator Quadratus Forearm Supination 1. Biceps Brachii 2. Supinator

What are the muscle compartments in the ankle?

anterior compartment, lateral compartment, superficial posterior, deep posterior

Where are flexor muscles located?


Which muscle involoves dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot?

The anterior and posterior compartment of the leg Anterior compartment: - Tibialis Anterior - Extensor Digitorium Longus - Extensor Hallucis Longus Posterior compartment: Deep: - Tibialis Posterior - Flexor Digitorium Longus - Flexor Digitorium Brevis

Is tricepes flexor?

Triceps muscle is not a flexor. Triceps is an extensor of elbow joint. Biceps muscle is flexor.

What muscle attach to the tibia?


What term describes a muscle that bends joints such as the elbow?


What is the muscle on the back of your lower leg?

There are a number of muscles that produce inversion of the ankle. Tibialis Anterior Extensor Hallucis Longus Tibialis Posterior Flexor Hallucis Longus Flexor Digitorum Longus tibialis anterior

Does a flexor muscle open a joint?

No the flexor closes the joint.